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Can influenza vaccines enhance protection against COVID?

Can influenza vaccines enhance protection against COVID?


San Diego (KGTV) – Centers for Disease Control and Prevention To tell Influenza vaccination cannot protect you from COVID-19, but increased research suggests that it may add a small but meaningful amount of protection.

Several the study During the pandemic, a link was found between influenza vaccination and better outcomes with COVID-19, but the authors state that the protective effect appears modest.

Still, a researcher at Cornell University Model released this week Even 5% of the additional protection from the influenza vaccine has shown to dramatically reduce the number of cases of COVID-19 and the burden on hospitals.

“We know that irrelevant vaccines have these heterogeneous effects, and a reasonable person tells you that if you use them during a pandemic, it will benefit. You can, “said Dr. Nathaniel Yupert, an associate professor of Weil Cornell medicine and the lead author of the paper.

Decades of experimentation suggest that vaccines often provide generalized immune enhancements that can protect against multiple pathogens, the paper claims.

last year, University of Miami We analyzed the medical records of about 75,000 people who tested positive for COVID. They found that those who had previously been vaccinated against the flu had a 20% lower risk of being hospitalized in the ICU.

The risk of developing certain complications has been further reduced. The risk of blood clots was reduced by 40%, sepsis was reduced by 45%, and stroke was reduced by 58%.

another Research at Journal Nature We analyzed adults over the age of 65 in the United States and found similar results. People who were vaccinated against the flu a few months before the pandemic were 24% less likely to get the COVID. In addition, the chances of developing a serious illness due to COVID were 28% lower.

Neither study has identified the cause of protection. Was it the benefit brought by the flu vaccine itself or other variables?

Dr. Omidbacter, Chief Clinical Laboratory Doctor at Sharp Healthcare, said:

For almost 100 years, researchers have discovered an example of a vaccine that provides protection against different viruses or bacteria. In general, they believe that vaccines are to activate the body’s most primitive defenses that prevent all infections. This is the so-called innate immune system. This branch contains natural killer cells and more. This is different from the most popular adaptive immune system antibodies, B cells and T cells.

“Theory has been around for a long time, and I think it might have a beneficial effect with the right stimuli, but it’s the same kind of thing that comes from COVID vaccines and more directional ones. It won’t work, and it won’t last that long, “said Dr. Robert Scourie, an infectious disease expert at the University of California, San Diego.

Dr. Schooley is skeptical that influenza vaccines provide cross-protection against COVID. He says related research may be distorted by what is called a “healthy user bias.” People who get the flu vaccine each year are generally more health conscious or more likely to wear a mask.

He said the flu vaccine does not jump-start the innate immune system for a very long time.

“This is a very trivial adjustment of the innate immune system, and it will probably keep adjusting you for a few days, but you won’t do this for weeks or months of the COVID season,” he said.

Still, Dr. Hupert argues that no matter how small the protection can be added.

“All additional safeguards that can be collected across the at-risk population mean that even small ones, such as those modeled, reduce infection, reduce new variants, and end the pandemic faster. “I will.”





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