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What we know about Omicron’s symptoms and recovery: clinical timeline


With its rapid emergence, prolific spread, and large number of breakthrough cases, Omicron has shaken healthcare providers and citizens around the world. Individuals infected with the variant report a wide range of symptoms, from nothing in the book to seemingly all the common cold symptoms.

“This is a fairly different surge,” said Dr. Brendanker, MD, chair of emergency medicine for the New York City-based Mount Sinai Health System. NPR.

This is what we know:

With Omicron, symptoms may appear earlier when infected.Several Preliminary investigation The incubation period (the time it takes for symptoms to develop after exposure) was about 3 days, which was found to be shorter than any previous mutant. A short incubation period means that the infected person will be transmitted faster. The incubation period is estimated to be approximately 5-6 days for the original strain, 5 days for the alpha variant, and 4 days for the delta.

There are many in Omicron High rate of asymptomatic spread More than other variants, according to early findings published by the preprint server on December 27. MedRxiv.

Many patients with Omicron resolve quickly and exhibit a variety of symptoms that do not require hospital care. NPR report. Doctors told news publications that cases of Omicron often look like normal upper respiratory tract infections.

“Most of the time, it’s a runny nose, sore throat, and stuffy nose,” said John Vanquier, Deputy Director of the Emerging Virus Threat Center at Ochsner LSU Health Shreveport, Louisiana. NPR.. “The cough is mild [than previous variants]I have a cough and it seems that I have a little less fever. “

The 4 most common symptoms According to a CDC analysis of the first 43 cases investigated in the United States, Omicron variants include cough, fatigue, congestion, and runny nose. The CDC’s list of COVID-19 symptoms includes fatigue, muscle and body aches, headaches, sore throats, and congestion. Or runny nose, nausea or vomiting, and diarrhea. Asymptomatic infections are also common. Initial data In the UK, fever and cough are less common than Omicron, with the five most common symptoms of runny nose, headache, malaise, sneezing, and sore throat.

Sore throat may be a predictor of Omicron in mild breakthrough cases. NBC Chicago Reported on January 11th.

Hospitals have more patients, milder symptoms, and more patients than previous surges Accidental discovery Dr. Cesar Arias, head of the Infectious Diseases Division at the Houston Methodist Hospital and co-director of the Infectious Diseases Research Center at the Institute of Systems, said of the disease. Beckers.

Mild Omicron cases look like a terrible cold, Dr. Arias said, saying that headaches appear to be prominent with some form of fatigue and coughing. He specified that the cough is usually a dry cough and a productive cough is rare. According to Dr. Arias, shortness of breath is less pronounced than in previous mild cases.

Dr. Allison Arwadi, MD, Commissioner of the Chicago Public Health Service, said unvaccinated people appear to be experiencing symptoms similar to those seen early in the pandemic. NBC Chicago.

In severe cases
Severity varies from individual to individual, depending on many factors, including vaccination status, age, overall health, and socioeconomic factors.

In a study of approximately 70,000 COVID-19 patients in Kaiser Permanente, Southern California, patients with Omicron infection were Less likely to be hospitalized In the case of COVID-19, and when they were, they had a shorter length of stay.

“For the elderly, even if it’s less, it’s still a nasty illness. [nasty] “More than the Delta type,” said Pamela Davis, MD, a pulmonologist at Case Western Reserve University, based in Cleveland. NPR.. “Just because you happen to be infected in the days of Omicron, you can’t get off Scott-free.”

Dr. Arias presents serious symptoms of the disease, especially in high-risk patients, such as those with immunodeficiency, the elderly, or those with one or more comorbidities. He said the most serious cases are arguably unvaccinated. Dr. Arias emphasized the apparent effect of vaccination status on severity and noted that even patients without booster immunization work much better than those without vaccination.

Among patients with severe Omicron cases, their main complaints were fever and respiratory symptoms that required some oxygen, Dr. Arias said.

“Patients with mild cases of COVID-19 usually recover within 1-2 weeks.” Said Senior Director of Infection Prevention at Johns Hopkins Medicine, based in Baltimore, Lisa Malagakis, Maryland.

“In severe cases, recovery can take up to 6 weeks or more, and there can be persistent damage to the heart, kidneys, lungs, and brain,” said Dr. Maragakis.

Most Omicron patients do not require intensive care, Dr. Arias said, and if they do intensive care, they are likely to have multiple comorbidities or other illnesses that require attention. Stated. Dr. Arias stated that most patients do not progress to the ICU and acknowledged increased knowledge and experience in the treatment of COVID-19 patients.

Not much is known about Long-distance carrier, Or those who have been infected with COVID-19 and have experienced persistent, recurrent, or recurrent symptoms more than 4 weeks after the initial infection.

Talk to Becker’s At the end of a long shift, Dr. Arias called for this work to emphasize the importance of vaccination. Vaccination against COVID-19 helps healthcare professionals treat patients more quickly, and beyond that, Dr. Arias said. Vaccination clearly affects the symptoms and severity of the disease. When considering potential alternative hospitalizations, the question feels small.





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