Why you gain weight after losing weight and how to stop
You have lost the weight you want, but you have now regained it all because you quit your diet. Are you familiar? Maybe this happened several times. But you lost weight once, and you know you can do it again.
The yo-yo diet, also known as weight cycling, Weight loss cycle, Get it back and go on a diet again. Sometimes with tough highs and lows, yo-yo diets prevent you from achieving your goals. Not to mention the lasting effect it can have on your body.
Thankfully you can break the cycle and burn Loyalty to a trendy diet Go back on track to reach your wellness goals.
Why does a yo-yo diet happen?
The yo-yo diet is not what you are doing intentionally. There are physiological reasons why your body responds to an unrealistic diet. The Hormone leptin It will decrease as you lose weight. The job of leptin in our body is to tell us when we have enough energy (in the form of fat) in our body. When leptin levels are low enough, we begin to experience hunger.
In response to a restricted diet that limits what we eat, our The body slows down our metabolism Hanging on those nutrients as much as possible. This means that your weight loss will stall and you are at greater risk of getting it back when you stop that restricted diet.
How common is weight cycling?
Every time you look back, it feels like there is a new diet to try. With the rise and fall of trendy diets, yo-yo diets are more common than you might think, especially on restricted diets. In a March 2019 study by Columbia University Irving Medical Center, 70% of female participants I have experienced weight cycling at least once. The study included a diverse group of 485 women aged 20-76 years.
Weight fluctuations are perfectly normal. The average daily weight of an adult is Range of 3-4 poundsDrink and eliminate that day, depending on what you eat. Weight cycling does not necessarily have to be radical. However, it is outside the body’s normal weight loss and weight gain and generally follows an unsustainable diet.
Why is a yo-yo diet bad for you?
You can lose muscle and gain fat
If you lose weight immediately after dieting, you will lose muscle as well as fat.And when you’re on the yo-yo diet stage of gaining weight, you Increase fat first, Not muscle.In the long run this can have an impact Your ability Walk, lift things, climb stairs.However, this can be offset by exercise such as weight training to make sure you are there. Building skeletal muscle..
Studies show that weight cycling can increase your body fat percentage.According to a review of published studies, 11 of the 19 studies have a history of yo-yo diets. High body fat.. Half of the studies reviewed also found that weight circulation was associated with future weight gain.
It’s dangerous to your heart
Weight gain Increase your risk Onset of heart disease. The same applies to the cycle of weight gain and loss. A Recent research The New England Journal of Medicine has announced that the risk of heart disease correlates with changes in weight, with greater weight fluctuations increasing the risk.
Several studies have also investigated the relationship between weight circulation and elevated blood pressure.Past studies have suggested that if you have enough time during weight cycling, it will affect you. Blood pressure drops.. However, not all studies agree on this point.More recent research is yours Body mass index Determine if your weight cycling history contributes to an increase in blood pressure. Further research is needed to get the big picture.
It can affect your mental health
Various positives Benefits of mental health Related to weight loss-improvement of self-confidence, sense of accomplishment and self-esteem. Unfortunately, there can also be negative impacts, especially on yo-yo diets. Repeated weight shifts can be discouraging and can contribute to anxiety and even depression.
In the 2020 study, the history of weight cycling Key predictors Depressive symptoms with internalized weight disgrace as a mediator. There was no significant difference when managed by gender. In other words, the effects are similar for men and women. Like the other risk factors on the list, not everyone experiences this.
How to Stop the Rebound Weight Gain Cycle
Dieting is difficult and it’s easier than it should be to fall into a weight cycling pattern. I don’t want to draw a picture that it’s easy to break the yo-yo diet cycle. It’s not. And keep in mind that losing weight doesn’t have to be healthy. However, if weight loss is your goal, these tips can help you regain control.
Reassess your diet. A yo-yo diet starts with an unsustainable diet. You will want to avoid a diet that excludes the entire food group.We are people, and sometimes I need a cookie Or a bowl of soda or pasta. Most importantly, you need space to decide what to eat and what not to eat.
Think about what you are eating. In general, it is a rule of thumb to try to avoid large amounts of sugar and sodium. But don’t keep food off your own. This is one of the main pitfalls of the yo-yo diet. Instead, find your balance and try to make the best choice for you.
exercise. One of the main ways to fight a yo-yo diet is to exercise. Staying active helps you maintain a healthy weight during a long-term weight loss plan. Exercise also helps prevent loss of muscle mass over time.Take a break Do not exercise excessively..
Please check in yourself. Don’t forget to check in yourself on your journey. how are you? how are you feeling? Has your relationship with food changed? Checking in yourself from time to time can help ensure that you are healthy in every way.
Find help. Yo-yo diet is bulimia nervosa or Other forms of eating disorders.. Even if you don’t have an eating disorder, if diet and weight are stressful topics, you can get help and manage your food relationship well.You are your doctor, counselor or National Eating Disorders Association Helpline..
Too long; haven’t you read?This is what you need to know
The yo-yo diet is the dark side of weight loss. And unfortunately, it happens to many people. Remember that weight loss is not synonymous with being healthy. Yo-yo weight cycling comes from an unrealistic and sometimes unhealthy diet that we couldn’t maintain. If you’re in a vicious cycle of weight loss and weight gain, that doesn’t mean you can’t get out of it.
The information contained in this article is for educational and informative purposes only and is not intended for health or medical advice. Always consult your doctor or other qualified healthcare provider if you have any questions about your medical condition or health goals.
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What Are The Main Benefits Of Comparing Car Insurance Quotes Online
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