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50 COVID-19 outbreaks in Toronto’s homeless shelter system, data


As temperatures cool, Toronto homeless people find themselves facing terrible choices. You can either go outside and freeze, or you can go inside and risk getting infected with COVID-19.

Outside, the city of Toronto issued a frigid wave warning, causing wind chill values ​​to drop to nearly -30 ° C.

But internally, the city numbers indicate another danger. It is a variant of Omicron that passes through shelters at high speeds. There were 50 outbreaks across the shelter system (more than half of all shelters), and as of Friday, these outbreaks had 401 COVID-19 cases and 1 death.

This is an increase from the 48 outbreaks a few days ago, as the pandemic piles up on many other challenges facing homeless people. One supporter said the city’s shelter system should have been better prepared and that the situation was predictable.

“We knew that COVID-19 was coming. We knew that winter was coming. Lorraine Lamb, an outreach worker in Sanctuary Toronto, said:

The city of Toronto said in a statement that it had opened 26 temporary sites, 4 warming centers and 2 rest centers. It uses more than 440 HEPA filters and says it plans to provide more than 310,000 N95 masks to people using the system. Two weeks is enough for this.

The shelter system is not the only public service under tension due to the surge in COVID-19. Ambulances, public transport and the hospital itself are all affected.

On Saturday, Engage and Change’s Project Winter Survival shipped about 3000 survival kits for distribution to people in need.

The kit contains 27 items, including hand warmers, bags, and other items designed to help people navigate the frigid.

“The harsh elements make it much more difficult for those who don’t have a home and are suffering,” said Sergeant Staff. John Stockfish, a Toronto police officer, volunteered to help move 3,000 bags into the car and was destined to reach more than 200 institutions.

The Project Winter Survival has been around for over 20 years, but nothing the organizers really wanted happened.

“Every year I say this. We don’t want to do this. The solution is long-term housing and support services. But as long as there is a problem, we are here,” said organizer Jody.・ Steinhower states.

Steinhauer estimates that there are more than 10,000 homeless people in Toronto. The last number of homeless people who ended before the pandemic started counted about 7,300 people living inside and outside the support service, but as of the beginning of this week, about 7,400 people were sleeping on the system.

The surge could be due to many people living outside who chose to avoid colds, but Woodgreen Community Services’ Tracy Murdoch said he was also seeing an overall increase.

“I haven’t seen this percentage of homeless people since the 1980s. People are overdose. People are dying,” she said.

Retired Toronto police officer Scott Mills has said he wants people to become defenders of the invisible people and change the way people understand the homeless and find compassion this winter.

“What can we do? Do something a little. If you see a homeless person on the street, say hello. Give them hope,” he said.





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