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Covid-19: How long should a woman wait after recovery and before planning a pregnancy?


COVID-19 It affects all individuals in different ways and is seen as more severe in people with comorbidity along with pregnant women. Health authorities, Pregnant women, including the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), are also classified as a “high risk group for severe Covid-19 infections.” Therefore, there are some important things women should be aware of when planning a pregnancy during a pandemic.

According to the CDC, the overall risk is low, but pregnant people are at increased risk of serious illness from Covid-19 compared to non-pregnant women. People who are infected with Covid-19 during pregnancy are at increased risk of preterm birth (giving birth before 37 weeks), stillbirth, and may be at increased risk for others. Pregnancy complications..

According to the CDC, certain underlying medical conditions, and others causeIt may further increase the risk of developing a severe Covid-19 infection during or after pregnancy (at least 42 days after the end of pregnancy), including age.

So, given the risks, how long should a woman wait before trying to get pregnant?

The Ujala Cygnus Group of Hospitals emphasized that there are “no specific guidelines” for planning a pregnancy after Covid-19, said Dr. Akta Bajaj, senior consultant and senior consultant in obstetrics and gynecology. I am saying. It’s a good time, but there are specific precautions. “

These precautions include prioritizing both vaccinations, waiting for subsequent ovulation, and planning. pregnancy..

Dr. Litusetti, Senior Consultant, Gynecologist and Dr. Ritusetti of Cloud Nine Hospital, Gurgaon, Apex, said: Clinic Gurgaon added that women can “plan their pregnancy two weeks after their symptoms subside.”

Menstrual cycle and covid-19, covid 19 infection and duration, duration affected by the menstrual cycle, delay in the menstrual cycle, tips for reducing stress, stress and duration, pandemic stress, duration delays menstruation,, indianexpress, It is important to get vaccinated before planning a pregnancy (Source: Getty Images / vaccine)

However, Dr. Surabhi Siddhartha, an obstetrician and gynecologist, said Motherhood Hospital Kharghar said patients had to wait “at least 8 weeks” after infection. “It takes at least 6-8 weeks for the infection to subside and good antibodies to develop. Pregnancy also requires the female body, so it’s important to feel she’s healthy,” Dr. Siddhartha said. rice field.

What happens if pregnancy is confirmed with a Covid infection?

“If your pregnancy is positive with a Covid infection, you don’t have to worry if your symptoms are mild and you haven’t been prescribed many medications,” Siddhartha said.

When is the right and safe time to get pregnant?

According to the Royal College of Obstetrics and Gynecology, “pregnancy during the Covid-19 pandemic is a matter of personal choice.” It states that vaccination before pregnancy helps prevent Covid-19 infection and its serious consequences.

“It’s everyone’s guess when this pandemic will end,” he agreed with Dr. Seti. “So, once the patient recovers from her symptoms, she can plan her pregnancy,” Dr. Seti insisted.

According to the CDC, Covid-19 vaccination is recommended for those who are pregnant, breastfeeding, are currently pregnant, or may become pregnant in the future. In addition, pregnant and lactating people, I’m about to get pregnant, Or if you are likely to become pregnant in the future, you will need to take a booster shot.

Do vaccines affect childbirth and the foetation?

Addressing such concerns, Women who are actively trying to get pregnant said they could be vaccinated with the Covid-19 vaccine. After completing the vaccine series, there is no reason to delay pregnancy.

According to the website, the confusion about this issue occurred when false reports emerged on social media. coronavirus It was the same as another peplomer called syncytin-1, which is involved in placental growth and attachment during pregnancy.

‘According to false reports COVID-19 vaccine The female body will fight this different peplomer and affect her childbirth. The two spike proteins are completely different Covid-19 vaccine does not affect female childbirth Those who are aiming for pregnancy, including in vitro fertilization. During the Pfizer vaccine trial, 23 female volunteers involved in the study became pregnant and miscarried in the trial only with placebo, not the actual vaccine.

Experts believe that vaccines are not a complete preventative measure, but they do reduce the likelihood of infection, the severity of the infection, and thus the complications.

“Vaccination with the Covid vaccine has nothing to do with planning a pregnancy,” said Dr. Seti. “If a woman becomes pregnant after the first dose, she should take the second dose as scheduled. It is important for the woman to recognize that the vaccine can not harm her health or the foetation. The chances of getting a Covid during pregnancy are the same as for the average person, but if a pregnant woman gets the Covid, the severity of the infection is even higher, “Dr. Seti added.

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