Why T-cell vaccines are key to long-term immunity in Covid’s surge
Vaccination has moved to a third dose or “booster shot” to combat the third wave by supplementing antibody levels. In the case of Covid-19, it spreads rapidly.
Attention is back to the antibody developing In the body administered with both shots of the anticovid vaccine.
Omicron has been reported to evade immunity and has 37 mutations that may make it more infectious than other variants.
Antibodies play an important role in the fight virus It is important to prevent the coronavirus from infecting our cells.
These extra jabs maintain good protection against severe Covid, but those who received a third dose of the Pfizer vaccine had 75% to 45% protection against the development of Covid symptoms 10 weeks after the booster. It is estimated that it will decline.
Scientists are wondering if antibody supplementation is sustainable, just seeing them disappear quickly.
Antibodies are just one part of our complex and intertwined immune system. Specifically, it may be the time when we focused on T cells.
In this article, Sheena Cruickshan, a professor of biomedical sciences at the University of Manchester, explains why T-cell vaccines are key to long-term immunity.
How different immune cells work
When the body is infected with a virus, it reacts by producing white blood cells called lymphocytes. The main types are B cells that make antibodies and T cells that support the production of B cell antibodies or act as killer cells that destroy the virus.
Some T cells and B cells are also long-term memory cells that know what to do if they encounter the same infection again.
B cells and T cells “recognize” the virus in a variety of ways. In general, B cells recognize the outer shape of the virus and make antibodies that anchor it (like two matching jigsaw pieces).
Instead, T cells recognize a bit of the amino acids that make up the virus. This also includes bits that may normally be inside the virus.
Every virus has many unique features, both internal and external. A person’s immune response can result in the production of various T and B cells among them that target the full range of these functions. This is sometimes referred to as the “width of the response.”
With a wide range of responses, it is very difficult for the virus to completely hide from them, as there are many different lymphocytes that see different parts of the virus.
Omicron is due to the significant mutation of the spike protein (red in the photo above), which is an important part of the external structure targeted by the antibody, reducing the ability of the antibody to bind to and neutralize the virus. , Worried many researchers.
However, because T cells focus on other parts of the virus, such mutations do not interfere with virus identification.
Indeed, early data still awaiting review suggests this is the case. This is reassuring as the viral peplomer changed significantly during the pandemic. This suggests that it may always be mutated from the reach of the antibody.
However, T cells should be less susceptible to viral mutations. T cells designed to fight COVID also appear to last much longer in the human body than antibodies.
But do T cells have a strong effect?
We already know a lot about the important role of T cells in other viral infections. This knowledge not only helps B cells produce antibodies against COVID, but also has an excellent T cell response to produce killer T cells that are widely aware of coronavirus and can protect against multiple variants. It suggests that it is necessary.
Direct evidence for COVID and T cells is still being collected. However, it is gradually becoming clear that T cells appear to play a major role in Covid.
Studies have shown that the production of broadly responsive T cells that recognize the characteristics of various viruses is associated with a strong response to the disease. In particular, the production of large amounts of widespread responsive killer T cells appears to reduce the severity of Covid.
Conversely, poor T cell responses worsen patient outcomes. Indeed, some people with severe Covid infections have been found to have persistent defects in their T cell response.
A common feature of many studies demonstrating the efficacy of T cells in Covid is the need for a broad response to have T cells (and B cells) that recognize multiple features of the virus. This is believed to be the key to experiencing a mild illness.
This width can extend, especially beyond this coronavirus. The Covid virus is a betacoronavirus, and there are several betacoronaviruses that are already infected, including those that cause colds.
The shared functionality between these cold-causing viruses and Covid may mean that the T cells we already had against the cold are now protecting us from Covid. not. Evidence of this has been revealed in both adults and children.
What does this mean for vaccines?
Many of the vaccines designed to date, such as Moderna, Pfizer, and AstraZeneca, focus on pesplomer, one of the primary targets of coronavirus. These vaccines are very effective in producing antibodies. They also stimulate the T cell response to spikes.
But now that we have a better understanding of the role of T cells, the importance of having a broader T cell response, and the problem of antibody decline, we refocus our vaccine strategy on T cell production and targeting multiple proteins. You need to consider that. ..
Work is moving in this direction. Early trials of vaccines capable of eliciting a much more extensively responsive helper and killer T cell response have been completed, and several other T cell vaccines are also being tested.
These T cell vaccines have the potential to boost existing immunity and create long-term protection against serious disease from all types of Covid mutants. If so, they will be most of the world where they live more safely with Covid.
(There is input from PTI)
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