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CUPE Poll Shows Southwestern Ontario Residents Critical of State’s Response to COVID-19


Southwestern Ontario Residents Dissatisfied With State Government Response to Novel Coronavirus According to a new poll, a pandemic.

A survey conducted on behalf of the Canadian Civil Service Union (CUPE) for the Council of Ontario Hospital Unions asked seven questions to approximately 600 residents in London, the Waterloo area, Guelph and Stratford.

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About 58% of those who responded to the poll in early May said the government did not plan the pandemic properly.

Further analysis of the numbers shows that 67% of Guelph respondents, 54% of Waterloo respondents, 61% of London respondents and 49% of Stratford respondents said that the government did not plan properly. Said.

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The results were shared on Monday after a shocking report from military personnel dispatched to a nursing home in Ontario, where abuses of the population and neglect of infection control measures were seen.

Of the people surveyed in four municipalities, 53% said the government should move COVID-19 caregivers to hospitals for treatment.

Michael Harley, chairman of the Council of Ontario Hospitals at CUPE, said the government needs to take a more rigorous approach to combating the spread of the virus.

“This needs to be combined with an active testing program to identify people infected with the virus and move them to an isolated hospital environment that can provide the best possible care,” he said. ..

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Approximately 80% of those surveyed insist that the government use emergency power supplies to produce N95 masks in light of the shortage of N95 masks, and 73% of governments set protection standards for medical staff. He said it needs to be strengthened.

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According to CUPE, 4,730 healthcare workers in Ontario have been infected with the new coronavirus, 13 of whom died as of Monday.

“It’s really embarrassing because many of them are easy to prevent,” said Hurley.

When Ontario was asked if more tests for new coronaviruses should be done, 77% of the people surveyed said yes, and 79% said patients and staff at all hospitals should be tested as well. It was

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Hurley said the CUPE would let the government move people with the new coronavirus out of the collective living environment to hospitals, start treating COVID-19 as an airborne virus, and make sure healthcare workers were protected. What they said they said they wanted to do a lot of things, increased testing, and commanded the company to make N95 masks.

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“All this is what we believe to make a difference,” he said.

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Military Team Raises Concerns About Healthcare Status in Ontario

On Monday, Ontario reported 404 new cases of the new coronavirus, bringing the number to 28,263 across the state and an additional 10 deaths, increasing the death toll to 2,276.

Ontario has completed 732,720 virus tests to date, up from 13,379 tests the day before. The state had previously said that it had the ability to test over 20,000 times daily.

Uses the global Gabby Rodriguez file.

Questions about COVID-19 Here are some things you need to know:

Symptom It is very similar to a cold or flu, with a fever, cough, and difficulty breathing. Some people may develop more serious illnesses. The people most at risk for this include the elderly and people with severe chronic medical conditions such as heart, lung or kidney disease. If you have symptoms Contact public health authorities..

To Prevent the spread of viruses, Experts recommend frequent hand washing and coughing in the sleeves. It’s also a good idea to minimize contact with others and stay at home as much as possible and keep a distance of 2 meters from others when you go out. In situations where it is not possible to maintain a safe distance from others, public health authorities recommend the use of non-medical face masks or covers to prevent the spread of respiratory droplets that can carry the virus.

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For full coverage of COVID-19 from Global News: click here..

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© 2020 Global News, a division of Corus Entertainment Inc.


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