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Health Unit says 31 Simcoe Muskoka residents were hospitalized with COVID-19

Health Unit says 31 Simcoe Muskoka residents were hospitalized with COVID-19


Four deaths (three from Simcoe County) have been reported today, and there are 98 active outbreaks in Simcoe-Muskoka.

The Simcoe Muskoka District Health Unit reported four deaths and eight new hospitalizations in its latest report (January 18).

The four deaths reported today include three residents of Simcoe County and one male Muskoka.

  • A woman over the age of 79 from Simcoe County died on January 13.
  • A 65-79 year old man from Simcoe County died on January 16.
  • A 65-79 year old female from Simcoe County died on January 17. Her case was associated with the outbreak.
  • A man between the ages of 45 and 64 from the Muskoka district died on January 14.

There are about 31 residents of Simco-Mascoca who are hospitalized with COVID-19. However, local hospitals may also accept patients from outside the area.

State testing guidelines prioritize testing of people living and working in high-risk collective medical facilities and inpatients, with test results delayed by a few days, but the health unit today has 319 new cases. I am reporting a case.

Locally, about 20% of people tested for COVID received positive results. The goal of the health unit is to make this rate (positive rate) 1%. This indicates that the amount of testing that is occurring is sufficient to catch most of the COVID infections that are occurring in the community.

Among the cases reported today are 59 unvaccinated, 7 partially vaccinated, and 179 fully vaccinated.

The health unit reports cases in the area, but does not provide details of the primary residence of those who test positive.

Approximately 37% of the total population of the Simcoe-Muskoka area (including children who are too young to be vaccinated) are currently vaccinated three times, 38% twice and 5% once. Inoculated and 19% have no dose of COVID vaccine.

Since July 18, 2021, COVID hospitalizations in the region have included 155 unvaccinated, 14 partially vaccinated, and 63 fully vaccinated.

In the same time frame, COVID-related ICU admissions include 42 unvaccinated and 10 fully vaccinated.

Since July, deaths reported by the Health Unit include 26 unvaccinated and 16 fully vaccinated. Of those who died during that period, less than five were partially vaccinated.

Since the beginning of the pandemic, the local health department has identified 28,883 COVID-19 cases, of which 19,273 have recovered and 302 have died.

Simcoe-Muskoka has 98 active outbreaks, of which 48 occur in facilities (hospitals, long-term care, retirement homes), 40 in apartments (group homes, shelters), and 10 in child care centers. I am.

Institutional outbreaks in Simcoe County, where more than 10 cases have been reported, include:

  • Barry’s Barry View Retirement Home, 25 Resident Cases and 5 Staff Cases
  • Orillia’s Trillium Manners Care Facility, Cases of 18 Residents and Cases of Less than 5 Staff
  • Collingwood Bay Haven Care Community, 8 Resident Cases and 7 Staff Cases
  • Bradford Valley Care Community, 8 Resident Cases and 12 Staff Cases
  • Barry’s IOOF care facility, 11 resident cases and 22 staff cases
  • Orillia Birch Mary Tirement Home, 20 Resident Cases and 8 Staff Cases
  • Barry’s Globe Park Long-Term Care Facility, 6 Resident Cases and 8 Staff Cases
  • Barry’s Waterford Retirement Residence, 10 Resident Cases and Less than 5 Staff Cases
  • Royal Victoria Regional Health Center IOOF Long-term Care Facility, 19 Resident Cases and 19 Staff Cases
  • Orillia’s Atrium Retirement Home, Cases of 34 Residents and Cases of Less Than 5 Staff
  • Orillia’s Sun Dial Lake View Retirement Lodge, 20 Resident Cases and 5 Staff Cases
  • Barry’s Milk Creek Care Center, 15 resident cases and 16 staff cases.
  • Barry’s Owen Hill Long-Term Care Facility, Cases of 10 Residents and Cases of Less Than 5 Staff
  • Orillia’s Leacock Care Center, 14 resident cases and 12 staff cases
  • Barry’s Woods Park Long-Term Care Facility, 7 Resident Cases and 16 Staff Cases

The number of outbreak cases reported by health units can be delayed and therefore underestimated.




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