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High prenatal choline levels may mitigate the negative effects of COVID-19 on newborns


Pregnant women taking additional choline supplements may reduce the negative effects of viral respiratory infections, including COVID-19, on their infants, according to a new study by departmental researchers Psychiatry Obstetrics and Gynecology at the University of Colorado Anschutz Medical Campus. Choline is a vitamin B nutrient found in various foods and dietary supplements and is essential for fetal brain development.

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) predict that COVID-19, like other common corona respiratory viruses, affects fetal brain development. “

Robert Friedman, Ph.D., Professor of Psychiatry, Senior Researcher, CU Anschutz Medical Campus

New research published in Psychiatry researchSpecifically, we investigated whether high prenatal choline levels could protect the developing brain of the fetus, even if the mother had a viral respiratory infection in early pregnancy. The results show that higher prenatal choline levels reduce the effects of viral infections on the fetus.

“To the medical community, and soon to be a mother, means that during pregnancy, like folic acid and other prenatal vitamins, we can take natural nutrients to protect our fetuses and newborns from brain development problems. It’s important to be aware.” These development issues can lead to mental illness,” Freedman adds.

In the study, the researchers analyzed the behavioral effects of infants when their mothers were infected with respiratory viruses by measuring the infant’s IBQ-R regulatory dimension. Decreased IBQ-R regulation at age 1 was associated with late childhood attention and social behavior problems, such as poor reading and concentration at age 4 and conscientiousness in children up to age 7. I am.

Result of investigation:

  • Infants from mothers with high viral infections and high choline levels have significantly higher 3-month IBQ-R scores on the regulatory dimension, especially on the attentional scale for regulatory levels, compared to infants with mothers with viral infections and low choline levels. Increased
  • Choline levels sufficient to protect the fetus often require dietary supplements.
  • Increased maternal anxiety and depression in virus-infected mothers were not associated with infant IBQ-R regulation.

The study, combined with CDC’s current advice on the effects of COVID-19 in pregnancy, combined phosphatidylcholine or choline supplements with other prenatal vitamins to protect the fetal brain from the possible adverse effects of current pandemics. It emphasizes that it may buffer and reduce the risk to children in the future mental illness.

“Past epidemics have significantly increased the levels of psychiatric disorders such as schizophrenia, autism spectrum disorders, and attention deficit disorder in offspring,” said CU Anschutz, an associate professor of obstetrics and gynecology. Medical expert Dr. Camille Hoffmann, MD, says. Medical campus. “But since the data for COVID-19 itself hasn’t been available for years, I hope this finding will be valuable information for mothers about the importance of taking choline supplements daily during pregnancy. .”


See journal:

Friedman, R. , other (2020) Effects of maternal choline and respiratory coronavirus on fetal brain development. Psychiatry research..


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