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Prostate cancer is currently the most commonly diagnosed cancer in the UK


According to new figures, prostate cancer is currently the most commonly diagnosed cancer in the UK.

According to data analyzed by the charity Prostate Cancer & # 8239; UK, 57,192 new cases were diagnosed in 2018, with breast cancer being the most commonly diagnosed outpacing breast cancer. The latest data is available.

This precedes 57,153 cases of breast cancer, 48,054 cases of lung cancer and 42,879 cases of intestinal cancer.

Prostate Cancer & # 8239; UK said the news will come 10 years earlier than previously predicted.

Questions about & # 128309; # Coronavirus And prostate cancer? & # 128309;

Information is updated regularly as conditions change.

Please read & # 128591;

-mdash; Prostate Cancer UK (@ProstateUK) May 6, 2020

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Notable people sharing the story include BBC presenter Bill Turnbull and actor and comedian Stephen Fry.

Analysis of new numbers suggests that new cases of prostate cancer have more than doubled in the last 20 years. Meanwhile, in the UK, approximately 400,000 men are currently co-existing or alive with this disease.

Prostate cancer has become detected in locally advanced stages (stage III), which are more treatable than advanced.

However, more men are diagnosed early in stage I, when the cancer is not likely to cause lifelong harm, so close monitoring is recommended rather than aggressive treatment.

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According to Angela Calhane, Chief of Prostate Cancer UK. “It’s good news that many men talk to practitioners and have been previously diagnosed, but not only for the better treatment that can cure the disease, but the aggressive treatment that requires urgent treatment. For a better test that can distinguish prostate cancer from what has ever been less likely to cause harm.

“We now need more research than ever, so it’s actually taking a devastating blow as many of the Covid-19 crises put them in suspension.

“While accelerating research to recover from this major setback will cost millions, at the same time, we anticipate that funding will be unprecedentedly reduced by the impact of the &8 pandemic.”

Charity warned that the Covid-19 pandemic has led to a reduction in referrals for all types of cancer, including prostate cancer.

Culhane said: “We know that the Covid-19 pandemic will have knock-on effects for the diagnosis and treatment of prostate cancer for some time to come.

“But if the service begins to return to normal, it’s important that anyone worried about the risk of prostate cancer talk to their GP or, if they have any symptoms, contact a specialist nurse.

“The highest risk men are black men over the age of 50 and men with a family history of the disease.”

& # 128249; Throughout his gorgeous gardens in sunny Suffolk, Bill Turnbull answers some of your questions!

From lifestyle and treatment to his introduction & # 128054; & # 128029;, watches @billtuLockdown Lowdown & # 128071;

-mdash; Prostate Cancer UK (@ProstateUK) May 28, 2020

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Turnbull said: “By sharing my experience of prostate cancer I may have helped more men go next &# 8239; &# 8239; && ## 8239; important with these GPs Have a good conversation and will eventually be diagnosed more quickly.

“But prostate cancer is currently the most commonly diagnosed cancer in the UK. We urgently need to ensure that men receive the best possible tests and treatments. It is a study for

“Sadly, Covid-19 has interrupted much of this important research, which is why I support the UK Fundraising for Prostate Cancer.

“It’s a difficult time for many of us, but whatever you can do to help keep the momentum in the fight against prostate cancer a great deal.”

Prostate cancer usually causes no symptoms in the very early stages.

Symptoms that may occur later include burning and pain during urination, difficulty urinating, trouble starting and stopping during urination, frequent going to the toilet at night, loss of bladder control, poor urine flow. And blood.


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