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Artificial Pancreas App Provides Stronger Control of Type 1 Diabetes in Toddlers and Toddlers in Cambridge Studies

Artificial Pancreas App Provides Stronger Control of Type 1 Diabetes in Toddlers and Toddlers in Cambridge Studies


Studies have shown that artificial pancreas systems can help manage diabetes in adults and adolescents, but youngest children may be particularly vulnerable to large fluctuations in blood glucose levels.

But now, a program developed by researchers at the University of Cambridge helps deliver insulin safely when needed, and glucose among children with type 1 diabetes and type 1 diabetes compared to today’s devices. It has been shown to be more effective in flattening the curve of measurements. 7 years old.

In a randomized clinical trial of a digital program known as CamAPS FX, children spend an average of 2 hours a day, with their blood glucose within a healthy range, and spend more than 70% of their 24 hours without a drop in blood glucose. I found out that. Too low or too high.

The hybrid closed-loop system takes readings from a wearable continuous blood glucose monitor and predicts how to change insulin doses throughout the day. Additional doses at mealtime are controlled by the parent or caregiver. A study that followed 74 children in the UK and Europe for 8 months, Published in The New England Journal of Medicine.

Related: FDA Approves Medtronic’s Bluetooth Controlled Insulin Pump for Children Over 2 Years

In this European Commission-funded study, the artificial pancreas app was compared to common insulin pump therapy supplemented with data from wearable sensors, but these devices allow parents to have their children’s blood glucose levels. And relied on adjusting the dose throughout the day as needed.

Participants the study I spent 4 months on an automated system and 4 months using manual control therapy in a random order.

And managing type 1 diabetes in very young children is a particularly challenging endeavor for parents when the difficulty of keeping shoes on toddlers is a sign.

In addition to insulin sensitivity, unpredictable diet, and changes in physical activity patterns (which require highly variable insulin doses), children are at risk of particularly dangerous lows and spikes in blood glucose. Researchers say that long-term out-of-health periods are associated with long-term complications in brain development.

Related: Insulet’s upcoming artificial pancreas system shows an increase in type 1 diabetes at all ages

Developed by Cambridge spin-out CamDiab, this app improves the amount of time research participants spend on hyperglycemia by 9 percent. There was no difference from the control group in hypoglycemia.

The artificial pancreas program also showed a decrease in HbA1c, with a relatively low baseline of 7.3% and a further decrease of about 6.6%.

The need to constantly control insulin levels can also reduce the quality of sleep for children and parents. In this study, researchers found that over 80% of overnight blood glucose levels were within the target range.

“Parents described our artificial pancreas as” life-changing. ” That means we were able to relax and reduce the amount of time we were worried about our children’s blood sugar levels, especially at night, “said Juliaware, a clinical fellow who is the lead author of the study. In a statement at the Welcome-MRC Institute for Metabolic Sciences in Cambridge.





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