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A new research fund focusing on inequity in the treatment and diagnosis of lung cancer

A new research fund focusing on inequity in the treatment and diagnosis of lung cancer
A new research fund focusing on inequity in the treatment and diagnosis of lung cancer


Serious inequality in treatment and survival of Maori and Pacific patients diagnosed as New Zealand’s largest cancer killer is the focus of new research funding of $ 6 million.

The New Zealand Lung Foundation states that 45% of patients diagnosed with lung cancer were diagnosed in the hospital’s emergency department (file image).
Photo: 123RF

Lung cancer is the leading cause of death in Aotearoa, killing 1,700 people each year, and the number is Maori.

Patient advocates welcomed the funding shared by the six universities and the public health team, but they also want better drug funding to help those who are currently fighting the disease.

Sunny Collings, CEO of the Health Research Council, said there is a deep-seated disparity in lung cancer treatment.

“Maori are four times more likely to die of lung cancer than non-Maori, a disparity that hasn’t changed for at least the last two decades,” says Collings.

The Research Council, the Cancer Control Agency, and the Ministry of Health jointly fund research.

Associate Professor Jason Gurney of the University of Otago has received funding for a project designed to achieve Maori lung cancer survival fairness by 2030.

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Associate Professor Jason Gurney.
Photo: Supply / University of Otago

“With 300 deaths a year, about the same number of Maori die of lung cancer. [those who] The next six most common causes of cancer death are combined to die. “

“Our own recent studies show strong survival disparities across all stages of lung cancer, and access to potential curative treatments is not equal between Maori and non-Maori regardless of stage. It suggests that. “

Funding was welcomed, but Philip Hope, CEO of the New Zealand Lung Foundation, said patients also deserve better access to publicly funded treatment.

“If we are guided by a fair lens, we will not focus our efforts on research for now, but will reimburse it for life-changing treatments for the patients now diagnosed.” He said. Said.

“They feel that being told to go home and die quietly is no longer acceptable.”

For lung cancer patients, Pharmac 2020 decision to freeze plans to fund drugs It can help at least 1400 patients annually.

Keytruda is available in New Zealand, but patients will have to raise their own funds at a cost of tens of thousands of dollars.

Hope said People were dying It’s premature, partly because of the “frugal culture” of the drug purchasing agency Pharmac.

“In Australia, Maori have 17 drugs available for the treatment of lung cancer. In New Zealand, 5 drugs are available. If you want to use any of the other 12 drugs, you will be charged. You have to pay. “He said.

“Currently, there are many treatments for Pharmac, and the evidence is indisputable, extending lifespan and reducing the burden on the healthcare system, but for some reason the budget to fund these drugs. I have no desire to seek reimbursement to seek redemption. “

According to Hope, 45% of patients diagnosed with lung cancer Diagnosed in the emergency department of the hospital, Numbers due to his “wait and see” approach and people in disadvantaged areas of the country not going to the doctor.





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