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Pandemic miserable warning 100 times worse than COVID-19


Scientists claim that it will not get worse as the world tries to deal with the severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) that causes coronavirus disease (COVID-19). American nutrition specialist Dr. Michael Herschel Greger The next pandemic says it’s due to a virus from the poultry farm.

Indoor poultry farm. Image credit: David Tadevosian / Shutterstock

Indoor poultry farm. Image credit: David Tadevosian / Shutterstock


In his new book Surviving the Pandemic, Dr Michael Greger said that deadly viruses have not yet emerged from overcrowded poultry farms where chickens are in close contact with each other. I made a prophecy. He has sought some measures that could be adopted to prevent future viral pandemics, and one of them is a modification of the current method of poultry farming.

In his other book How Not To Die, he assumed similar thoughts and warnings about the spread of bird flu. In his latest book, The Epidemic’Hurricane Scale’, COVID-19 rates in category 2, probably 3 with a mortality rate of about half 1%. …The typhoon that ends all typhoons, the Big One, is 100 times worse, and Category 5 produces a half-fatality rate.

Why is it a poultry farm?

According to Greger, edible, mass-produced chickens are often stored in cramped areas and can be one of the ideal breeding grounds for viral illnesses such as bird flu. He said in a statement, “The more animals that get stuck together, the more viruses can spin on the wheel of the roulette wheel, hiding behind the lungs of a chicken aiming for a pandemic jackpot. there is.”

Image credit: David Tadevosian / Shutterstock

Image credit: David Tadevosian / Shutterstock

COVID-19 worse than a pandemic

The COVID-19 pandemic was detected in more than 6.26 million people worldwide, killing 375,513 people worldwide. Systems Sciences and Engineering Center (CSSE) at Johns Hopkins University (JHU).. In recent history, this is one of the worst pandemics in the world.

The virus that can cause these birds could be “100 times worse” than COVID-19, and could kill one in two people infected, Greger said. I will. “It’s never a problem because the pandemic spreads the virus explosively from person to person.”

History of viral diseases associated with birds

According to Dr. Greger, about the outbreak of bird flu (H5N1) in Hong Kong in 1997. Here, we were directly infected from birds raised in the poultry farm. He warned that 6 out of 18 infected people died. This is a very high mortality rate, Greger noted. Since then, there have been some outbreaks between 2003 and 2009, he said. He explained that despite the slaughter of the chicken, the virus never really went away. In his book, Gregor writes that the outbreak in Hong Kong has begun. Organ failure. He warned that it started at the bird market.

He said there were some bird flu outbreaks in China, despite some efforts to eliminate the virus. Millions of chickens have been killed to prevent the spread of the infection. “I’m worried that the virus doesn’t stop and is constantly mutating. It’s a monster that hides in the undergrowth of epidemiologists.”

He said that bird droppings are rich in ammonia. This is basically the ideal situation for a virus to mutate and propagate. Coupled with that, he pointed out that congestion helps expansion.

Avian influenza

Avian flu or avian flu is a highly contagious viral infection transmitted between birds and rarely from birds to humans.

There are several types of bird flu, most of which do not affect humans. However, two types of bird flu have raised many concerns in recent years. These are the H5N1 virus, which was found to have infected humans in 1997, and the H7N9 virus, which infected humans in 2013.

These viruses usually do not spread among humans, but they kill many people. Other strains of avian influenza virus that can infect humans include H7N7 and H9N2, but these strains usually do not cause severe disease.

The earliest reported case of H5N1 affecting humans coincided with the H5N1 epidemic in non-human (epidemic outbreak) poultry in Hong Kong. Subsequently, all poultry individuals were culled to prevent the development of diseases affecting other species (pandemic outbreaks).

However, the disease is still widespread and the World Health Organization announced in December 2009 that a total of 447 people had been affected and 263 had been killed.

Researchers soon discovered that H5N1 spreads easily among birds. This means that the virus can spread worldwide. H5N1 can mutate to form strains that are infectious to species previously not thought to be affected by the virus, but not all of these strains are infectious to humans .. The virus preferentially binds to the galactose receptor present in the respiratory tract of birds. These receptors are virtually absent in humans and occur only in the alveoli deep inside the lungs. That is, the virus does not easily spread through normal routes such as coughing and sneezing.

What can you do?

Fear is real, Greger points out in his book. He seeks strict measures to ensure smaller farms and herds, hygiene and prevention of virus spread. Greger is a defender of plant-based diets. He said large-scale poultry farming would have to be stopped, as the virus would ideally be mutated and spread.

Gregor himself is vegan and he explained that a diet that does not contain chicken or duck could be a solution to these problems. He says stopping the mass production of chickens may be the solution. “A pandemic will occur as long as there are poultry. In the end, it may be them or us,” he said.

Gregor is famous for testifying Oprah Winfrey in the famous “Defamation of Meat” trial.


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