Nine Covid cases in the Nelson region
Staff will collect samples for the PCR test at the Covid Test Center at the Motu Eca Recreation Center after nine local cases have been reported on Friday.
Nine new cases of Covid-19 have been found in the Nelson area.
Nelson Marlborough Health has confirmed that all cases live in the same household. thing..
thing I understand that the incident is in Motueka. No virus variants have been identified.
Public health officials are investigating a recent trip to Auckland as a possible source of infection. Case interviews are underway and locations of interest will be added to the Ministry of Health website.
Eight cases were notified after the Ministry of Health reporting deadline It’s Friday morning, so it will be added to Saturday’s official tally.
read more:
* Covid cases in the Nelson area
* Nelson Eradicates Covid-19 Outbreaks Without Active Cases
* Covid-19: 135 new community cases in delta outbreaks
Dr. Alexandra Craig, Medical Officer of Health Officer Nelson Marlboro, said: This has made it possible to respond quickly to public health. “
“Anyone with symptoms, no matter how mild, will be reminded in a timely manner to take the test.”
Early this month Nelson negated the outbreak of the last community covidAfter all people infected with the virus have recovered.
A total of 23 people were infected with Covid-19 during the Nelson Delta outbreak in late November and December, and one was eventually admitted to the hospital for treatment. The first case was announced on November 29th.
there were Two cases in the outbreak from November to December, One is 19, and the other is-linked to the North Island cluster-4. Most of the cases were not completely vaccinated.
Sarah Shawnessy, CEO of Nelson Bays Primary Health, said testing for Covid-19 in the Nelson region has been boosted in the light of the latest positive cases.
More testing capabilities will be available at Stoke’s Motueka Recreation Center and Saxtonfield test sites today and over the weekend, Shawnessy said. The Motu Eka Recreation Center is open until 4 pm on Fridays, 9 am to 4 pm on Saturdays and Sundays, and the Saxton Field Site is open until 6 pm on Fridays, 9 am to 6 pm on Saturdays and Sundays. Will be open until.
Vaccination is also available at walk-in clinics and participating general clinics and pharmacies in the area, she said.
Nick Baker, Chief Medical Officer at Nelson Marlboro Health, expects a surge in children’s vaccination starting next week.
Shaughnessy said there is a system in place to manage Covid-19 in the community and help those who may contract it to take care of it at home. Primary Health, Nelson Marlborough Health, and the GP have worked together to ensure that people’s medical needs are met at home, and those who test positive for Covid-19 are regularly called by health authorities. And confirm that there is no problem.
The Ministry of Health said it would measure the quarantine time for all as a temporary measure to address the increased infectivity of Omicron. Covid-19 cases will be extended to 14 days, Increased from the last 10 days.
Similar changes will take effect today for close contact. All close contacts will be quarantined for 10 days instead of 7 days.
Tim King, the mayor of the Tasman District Council, said he understood that the case was in Motueka.
He said no specific variant of the virus was identified because the test results were still being processed.
King said the important thing the community is doing right now is to carefully check where they are interested and continue to follow the protocol of wearing masks, social distance and QR code scanning.
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