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Murupara GP will be suspended until further investigation

Murupara GP will be suspended until further investigation


Dr. Bernard Konron said he received a notice from the New Zealand Medical Council that he intends to suspend him prior to investigating various complaints filed against him.

Murupara Medical Center

Murupara Medical Center
Photo: Screenshot / Google Street View

The first complaint was made after Dr. Konron asked about informed consent for pregnant women and children at a Maori health facility in August.

Further complaints about Dr. Konron’s professional conduct were sent to Covid-19 Response Minister Chris Hipkins by an unnamed junior doctor who worked at the clinic for three months last year. The complaint was then forwarded to the Medical Council.

Some accusations include that he labeled the patient’s notes of people vaccinated with the Pfizer Covid-19 vaccine. As “becoming magnetic”, Dr. Konron described this as “mysterious.”

He said that the word “become magnetic” appeared in one patient’s note, but six weeks after the patient received the Pfizer vaccine, he could stick a coin to his stomach and become magnetic. He said it was because he told him. ..

After treating the Murupara community for 30 years, hundreds of people in support of Dr. Bernard Konron were found at a rally in November in response to complaints about his attitude towards vaccination with the New Zealand Medical Council.

After treating the Murupara community for 30 years, hundreds of people in support of Dr. Bernard Konron were found at a rally in November in response to complaints about his attitude towards vaccination with the New Zealand Medical Council.
Photo: Photo / Diane McCarthy

“There is a less common feature of believing in a patient when he or she shows abnormal symptoms,” he said. “”[The patient] We were able to provide visual evidence that 6 coins may be left [the patient’s] The torso I documented [the patient’s] Note. It still confuses me somewhat that junior trainees would find it worth reporting such clinical honesty to the Medical Council. But that’s certainly a strange time, “Dr. Konron said.

He was also accused of celebrating when he heard the news that Murupara’s vaccination coverage was the lowest in New Zealand. It was witnessed by a junior doctor who was a supper guest at his house.

Dr. Konron applied for a medical exemption to allow unvaccinated staff to continue working at the Murupara Medical Center. In addition to himself and his partner Dr Britta Noske not being vaccinated against the Pfizer / BioNTech vaccine, he said he chose not to receive it either by three clinic receptionists and one nurse. rice field.

“As employers, we value our staff and restructure surgery so that everyone can continue to be hired, while excluding unvaccinated people from patient contact according to Covid-19’s orders. Frankly, I have a disgust. “He said.

Dr. Bernard Konron planted roses in front of the Murupara Clinic at his support rally in November.

Dr. Bernard Konron planted roses in front of the Murupara Clinic at his support rally in November.
Photo: LDr

Dr. Konron said he “gained unpopularity” by speaking openly against forced vaccination and further annoyed the Ministry of Health by attempting to import ivermectin. I am infected with Covid-19 “.

“The Ministry of Health is indifferent to the success of this approach in countries such as Brazil, India, Mexico and Japan and seems to want to administer only paracetamol and pulse oximeters to infected patients abroad. It’s really sad to see the amazing success. I’ve successfully monitored eight patients with Covid-19. “

Dr. Konron also filed a proceeding in the Rotorua District Court seeking a judicial review of Medsafe’s decision to confiscate the ivermectin consignment he had imported for his patients.

“Three days after making a legitimate legal objection to Medsafe’s decision to own my ivermectin, the Ministry of Health filed further complaints with me about unprofessional behavior to the Medical Council. Did.

“Then, shortly before Christmas, I received a notice from the Medical Council that I would suspend me prior to investigating various complaints for the safety of the New Zealanders.”

Dr. Konron said he had submitted opposition to the proposal this Tuesday, but there was no real hope that it would be cancelled. “I will appeal at the district court level and hope that a fairer decision will be achieved.”

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Local Democracy Reporting is a public interest news service supported by RNZ, News Publishers’ Association, and NZ On Air.





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