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According to a new study, the COVID-19 vaccine does not affect childbirth, but positive infections


According to a new study, COVID-19 vaccination does not affect the chances of a female or male child becoming pregnant, and the myth that vaccination can affect a person’s childbirth is widespread throughout the pandemic. Is blocked.

Boston University Researcher Conduct a survey With over 2,000 couples, there was no difference in giving birth if either a male or female partner was vaccinated when compared to unvaccinated couples. However, if a male partner was infected with COVID-19 within 60 days of the female menstrual cycle, the chances of conception were slightly reduced.

Findings suggest that coronavirus temporarily affects male childbirth. This result may be avoided by vaccination with COVID-19 vaccine.

Fever, known to reduce sperm count, is a common symptom of COVID-19 infection and was observed in sperm counts of male participants who were virus-positive while trying to conceive. He said he could explain the temporary decline that was made. Other reasons may be inflammation of the testes and nearby tissues, and erectile dysfunction, and researchers point out that both are common after COVID-19 infection.

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“Many reproductive age individuals raise concerns about childbirth as a reason for remaining unvaccinated. Our study found that COVID-19 vaccination with either partner was through sexual intercourse. For the first time, it shows that it has nothing to do with the birth of a couple trying to get pregnant. ” Amelia Wesselink, Associate Professor of Epidemiology at Boston University and lead author of the study, said: In the statement..

Researchers have determined whether the partner has been vaccinated once or twice with the COVID-19 vaccine, the type of vaccine inoculated, the latest time of vaccination, and infertility.

The results suggest that the COVID-19 vaccine has no adverse association with childbirth and helps avoid the risks that the virus poses to maternal and fetal health.

“The findings provide a sense of security that vaccination of couples seeking pregnancy does not seem to impair childbirth. It also informs doctors who counsel patients who wish to become pregnant. “Masu,” said Diana Navi Anki, director of the National Institute of Pediatric Health and Human Development, Eunice Kennedish River, National Institute of Health. In the statement..

Most recently, this week, the myth of the COVID-19 vaccine that causes infertility has been suggested. Florida Governor Ron DeSantis (R), Many nurses said they didn’t want to get vaccinated because they were “trying to make a family.”

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