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College of Dupage Launches Contact Tracer Training Program to Track COVID-19 Spread


In response to a call for trained workers to limit the spread of COVID-19, College of Dupage has launched a contact tracer training program. Offered through the COD Department of Continuing Education and in consultation with DuPage County Health Department, a four-week online course trains participants to contact and identify individuals with COVID-19 diagnoses To do.

Joe Cassidy, Vice President of Economic Development and COD Assistant at Dean of Continuing Education and Public Services, said the Centers for Disease Control is the key to slowing or stopping the spread of COVID-19 without a major closure of contact tracking. It emphasizes that it is.

“We believe it is our duty to develop programs and services that play our part in delaying this virus,” he said. “We are pleased to work with full-time teachers and Dupage County Health Department staff to advance this much needed program this June.”

In line with the CDC training guidelines, the four-module course focuses on epidemiology. Signs and Symptoms; Why Contact Tracking Is an Effective Public Health Intervention Contact tracking techniques and ethical considerations, including HIPPA regulations. As well as cultural sensitivity and inequality between particular population groups.

In addition to its public health benefits, this program creates job opportunities for individuals economically affected by the crisis. A recent report from the Johns Hopkins Center for Health and Security said that in order to limit the coronavirus epidemic and restart the economy, it would be necessary to employ at least 30 contact tracers for every 100,000 residents in the United States. I’m estimating. Contact tracers can earn up to $28 per hour.

Through this important program, COD not only slows the rate of the virus, but also addresses the needs of the local workforce, said Dr. Bryan Capto of College of Dupage.

“This course is one of the many ways College of Dupage has strengthened to respond quickly to the needs of the local workforce,” he said. “I am grateful to have such great community partners like Dupage County Department of Health who play a key role in this difficult and informative process.”

The College of Dupage Contact Tracking Training Program is a non-credit program, and students receive grades that pass or fail. Students must be at least 18 years old, have a high school diploma or equivalent qualification, and have general familiarity and access to technology.

The first training program runs from June 29th to July 24th and the second session runs from July 27th to August 21st.

Scholarships and other tuition assistance may be available. For more information and registration, please visit

If you have any questions, please call (630) 942-2208 or send an email to CE @


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