Pig Heart Transplant: Ethics, Regulation, and Why You Don’t Think It’s Immediately Seen in Australia
Heart transplants are usually not talked about all over the world.But earlier this month, a 57-year-old man with end-stage heart failure was the first Get a heart transplant from a very specific source: Genetically modified pig.
From all previous accounts, Man, David Bennett, Seems to be working..
And it’s not just the pig heart in the news.there was A little action To Pig kidney transplant Also at the front desk.
These are not the first examples of pig tissue being transplanted into humans.
Heart valves in pigs, cows and horses have been transplanted into the human heart for 30 years.
But the whole organ transplant is another fish kettle, both technically and ethically.
So what are some of these ethical challenges regarding the practice of transplanting organs and tissues between species (a technique called xenotransplantation)? Can you expect to see a pig’s heart in the Australian chest soon?
Ethical questions and high stakes
Diego Silva, a bioethicist at the University of Sydney, said xenografts and the growth of alternative parts in animals such as pigs have raised many ethical questions.
“In this case, we genetically engineer pigs and use them as a tool for human benefit,” he said.
“But we have to realize that all this is happening in the background of organ shortages. People are dying.
“I don’t know if I can do it [transplant pig organs into humans] Interestingly, we are doing this to save people’s lives. “
Julian Coplin, a bioethics researcher at the University of Melbourne and Monash University, said ethical considerations can be broadly divided into human and animal welfare issues.
The first, and perhaps most obvious, is that a heart taken from a pig may save a person’s life, which means death to the donor.
“We are currently raising and killing pigs under very scary factory livestock conditions, so we can enjoy a delicious source of protein,” said Dr. Coplin.
Next is the quality of life of donor pigs. Pigs are intellectual and social creatures.
Donor pigs are bred and bred in medical grade facilities to protect against potentially human-borne illnesses.
“And that means that the lives of transplanted pigs may not have much opportunity to strengthen the environment,” said Dr. Coplin, compared to pigs that were allowed to snuggle up on farms, for example.
“But again, the purpose it serves is so important that it is potentially a trade-off worth making.”
On the human side, Bennett’s nine-hour surgery was performed by a hospital transplant surgeon, but it’s important to remember that it’s still an procedure.
“What consent criteria do you need to test the technology and who needs to qualify?” Dr. Coplin said.
In Bennett’s case, it was either a pig heart transplant or he died. He had end-stage heart disease, but was ineligible for a human heart transplant.
“The worst-case scenario if he participates in this treatment is not much worse than the expected scenario if he does not.”
Then, if the technology eventually shifts to more routine clinical care, more questions will be raised about the historical disparities in health — will it be health care? More or less fair to minority groups?? — Not to mention how the animal organ transplant business is carried out, Dr. Silva said.
“And what do regulators want to see to say,’Yes, these are the parameters you can scale up on?'”
“For the most part, it’s a scientific issue, but it also has an ethical side. Are we willing to take any risks?”
What are your deals in Australia?
Organ transplants from pigs and other animals have a long history Dating back to the middle of the last century..
Also, Australia currently permits clinical trials subject to regulatory approval, but this is not always the case.
From 2004 to 2009, the National Health and Medical Research Council (NHMRC) recommended that xenotransplantation clinical trials should not be conducted in Australia. Australia was still a developing region of science.
The main concern was the risk of spreading the disease between pigs and humans. This is because standard common pig DNA does not just contain instructions for creating pigs.
It also contains the genetic code of many viruses, some of which can infect human cells that can cause and spread the disease.
In recent years, researchers have been using gene editing technologies such as CRISPR. Cut the viral DNA from the pig’s genome, Will be a virus-free animal.
You can also add and cut genes to reduce the risk of organ rejection.
According to Peter Cowan, director of science at the Center for Immunology Research at St. Vincent Hospital in Melbourne, the biggest scientific hurdle to overcome today is to prevent the human body from rejecting transplanted organs.
However, even if the problem is resolved tomorrow, Professor Cowan, who is involved in pig-to-human xenotransplantation research, will be able to transplant entire pig organs and even clinical trials in humans in the short to medium term. Said there wouldn’t be. ..
“By our quarantine rules Live pigs cannot be imported.. I couldn’t say, “OK, take a pig from America and take it here to start a transplant.”
Then there is the question of where we store them, even if the pigs are brought in, he added. Australia does not have the medical grade piggery required for human clinical trials and is expensive to install and operate.
Still, pig heart transplants “really increased interest in the region as a whole,” said Professor Cowan.
“I hope it works. We want to establish things in Australia as well.”
Dr. Silva says that as advances in organ-wide xenotransplantation continue, so does the ethical and regulatory debate.
“That wouldn’t ask that much,’Is this the right thing?’, He said.
“That’s not all.’How can we do this the right way?’And that should be the question that guides us.”
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