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CDC Study: COVID-19 Booster Shots Have a “Significant Impact” on Omicron

CDC Study: COVID-19 Booster Shots Have a “Significant Impact” on Omicron


Obtaining COVID-19 Booster shot Doubles the protection the vaccine provides against severe illnesses from incredible infectivity Omicron variantAccording to the results from the new Centers for Disease Control and Prevention Research According to the medical system in 10 states, including Intermountain Healthcare in Utah.

“This is the first evidence that came out of the United States, Booster dose Dr. Eddie Stenehem, a doctor of intermountain health care infectious diseases, told reporters at a virtual press conference.

The findings come as Omicron Continue to increase rapidly Through Utah, we are promoting record numbers of cases and hospitalization. Utah currently has the fourth highest number of COVID-19 cases per 100,000 population in the country. data Edited by The New York Times.

Two doses of the Pfizer or Moderna vaccine given six months ago were 38% effective in preventing people from seeking emergency treatment, and booster shots increased to more than 80%, Stenehjem said. I did. The prevention of hospitalization had a similar effect, with the initial dose being 50% effective, but the booster shot jumping to 90%.

He said booster shots still have a “big impact” on people over the age of 65.

He said the study included only those who were ill enough to go to emergency medical facilities or hospitals during the current surge, and excluded those who received a single Johnson & Johnson vaccination. .. Vaccinated people can also be vaccinated with Omicron, but doctors say “the majority work at home” and you don’t need to seek care.

“It’s actually incredibly timely data. If you go out and get a booster shot, that booster shot will immediately benefit within 5-7 days,” said Stenehjem. Provides “very important protection” in the event of an unexpected surge. Probably in a few weeks.

However, many Utahns do not receive the additional COVID-19 vaccine that the CDC recommends for everyone over the age of 12. Booster shots are available 5 months after two doses of Pfizer or Modern vaccine, or two months after one dose of Johnson & Johnson vaccine.

Less than 60% of all Utahns are considered fully vaccinated. In other words, it’s been more than two weeks since I completed the first series of shots. Only 39.5% of fully vaccinated Utahns received booster shots. It does not have to be the same brand as the original dose.

Stenehem hopes that studies, including Utan’s experience, will boost those numbers. Reduce the burden on the hospital This has been overwhelming since August last year when the more toxic delta variant of COVID-19 ran through the state.

“One of the challenges we faced here in Utah was never getting out of the delta surge,” said the doctor. This weekend, Intermountain Healthcare said it will open 20 new beds for COVID-19 patients. 20 are at Intermountain Medical Center in Murray and 14 are at Riverton Hospital.

On Friday, the Utah Department of Health reported a new record of hospitalizations in the state, 765. There are also 11,601 new cases and 11 additional deaths from the virus, with a 7-day average positive test of 10,818 per day.Most Utah Skip the test This is because the state site cannot handle the crowd.

Stenhem is for people with severe shortness of breath and coughing Seeking care.. But he said that people with mild symptoms like snuffs can stay home and take acetaminophen, especially if they are young and healthy, have no other medical problems, and are vaccinated. rice field.

Utahn, who is at high risk of serious illness due to old age, immunodeficiency, underlying illness, or unvaccinated, may be eligible for limited monoclonal antibodies. You should be tested for COVID-19 immediately. Available treatments and other treatments.

On Friday, the State Department of Health announced a change in risk factors from COVID-19 that would increase the likelihood of severe illness. calculate Those who are receiving treatment such as race, ethnicity, gender removal, and prioritization of unvaccinated people over the age of 75.

Changes will come later Fox News host Tucker Carlson insisted A spokesman for the State Health Department said the decision to rethink risk factors had nothing to do with commentary, but whites lost in Utah and other states due to race.

Stenehem said it’s important to prevent Utan from being infected with the virus or by others who may be more vulnerable, as a treatment to combat the nation’s lack of Omicron. rice field. Moreover, he said there was no guarantee that he would be calm in any case.

“There are a lot of people in the hospital. There are a lot of people in the ICU. There are still a lot of people dying from COVID-19,” said the doctor, who said the outbreak impacted healthcare systems, schools and businesses. I added that it is exerting.

The study does not consider the impact of Immunity from previous COVID-19 infection Regarding the prevention of severe illness, Stenehem added that it may not provide much protection against Omicron.Also, it is Additional booster shots He said they may be needed as their protection weakens.

The findings show 383 emergency department and emergency clinic encounters and 87,904 patients from 259 hospitals for adults aged 18 and over in 10 states from August 26, 2021 to January 5, 2022. Based on the hospitalization of a person.

In addition to Intermountain Healthcare in Utah, medical systems in Texas, New York, Minnesota, Wisconsin, California, Oregon, Washington, Indiana, and Colorado contributed to this study.




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