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What parents of children under the age of 5 need to know about Omicron

What parents of children under the age of 5 need to know about Omicron


  • According to the CDC, new hospitalizations for children with COVID-19 are on the rise.
  • Hospitalizations are increasing, but child mortality remains low.
  • There are a wide range of practices that can be implemented to keep each other safe.

Due to the dramatic increase in Omicron cases in the United States, children are now developing COVID-19 at a much higher rate than in previous spikes.

According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), new hospitalizations for children with COVID-19 66% increase Weekly average until January 1st.

With amazing statistics, parents are wondering what they can do to keep their children safe, especially those under the age of five who are not yet vaccinated.

The good news is that children’s mortality rates remain low while hospitalizations increase.

Most COVID-related deaths do not occur among children. Still, keeping children away from the hospital and away from serious COVID-19 cases is still a top priority for parents, so contact an expert and parents of children under the age of 5 should know about Omicron. I searched for what to do.

After all, much of it comes down to what makes the most sense for each particular family. However, there is a wide range of practices we can all do to keep each other safe.

What is the risk of developing COVID-19 in children under 5 years of age? How did Omicron affect unvaccinated adolescents?

“Omicron appears to be much more contagious than the previous COVID-19 strain. The number of COVID hospitalizations in children is steadily increasing, but this is largely due to the large number of children. It’s due to the fact that it’s infected. ” Dr. Gopi Desai, NewYork-Presbyterian Medical Group Queens Pediatrician, and Weill Cornell Medicine Associate Professor of Clinical Pediatrics.

“Although the chances of hospitalization are still relatively low, so many children are infected that means that a significant number of children are still in the hospital,” Desai said. “These children do not benefit from vaccination to protect them, so they remain in a more vulnerable group.”

Why are children’s hospitalization rates rising?

according to Dr. Jennifer Reiter, NYU Langone Health Hospital Epidemiologist, Pediatric Epidemiologist and Pediatric Stewardship Director, Children Still Representatives Only 2 percent COVID hospitalized.

However, there are many reasons why children are being hospitalized amid the surge in Omicron.

“Our hospitalization rate is higher for children under 1 year of age than for children between the ages of 5 and 11 because of the lower threshold for hospitalization of babies with COVID. Also, if a baby under the age of two months has a fever, he or she will be hospitalized automatically, “says Reiter as one of the reasons for the high hospitalization rate.

Second, of course, the virus targets unvaccinated. Children under the age of 5 are still very vulnerable because they have not been vaccinated yet.

Should the children go to day care or stay at home? What measures should I take if it is okay to go to the nursery?

“There is no correct answer to this question that applies to all families. Each family needs to consider the risks and benefits of childcare options to determine what is best for them,” Desai said. increase.

“For the majority of families with children in day care, this is necessary to enable caregivers to work. The risks of this day care are the size of the classroom / center and whether the caregiver is vaccinated. It depends on many factors, such as whether the caregiver and the child are wearing the mask properly, “Desai added. “The more of these protections in place, the lower the risk of COVID infection.”

“Children should get day care [if it’s possible]”The writer said. “They should wear face masks, just as school kids have to wear. Day care needs to upgrade the ventilation system, and if not, it needs to pop up a window. Kids can. If so, you should eat outside. Also, all children over the age of 2 must wear a face mask. “

Should parents with young children avoid traveling in environments such as planes and buses? What steps do I need to take if I need to travel?

According to Desai, “Given the high positive rates across the country and the highly contagious nature of this strain, there is an increased risk of exposure to COVID in situations where crowds and strangers are involved in densely populated areas.”

“It’s safest if you can avoid the crowded modes of transportation during this wave,” Desai said. “If you need to travel, wear a surgical mask for everyone over the age of 2 and wash your hands frequently. If possible, keep away from other households.”

“COVID-19 is not like the flu in adults,” the writer pointed out. This means that for adult patients, COVID is much worse than influenza. “But the viruses in children are similar. If parents have restrictions on flu travel, COVID travel makes sense. It actually has the same health effects on children — Both influenza and COVID. Not the same for adults. “

What are some of the questions you received from your worried parents? How did you answer?

“The most common question I get is” My child tested positive for COVID, but what can I give him / her? ” For infants who test positive for COVID, there are no special medications available at this time. We encourage you to discuss your individual case with your child’s doctor, especially if you have an underlying medical problem, “says Desai.

“The best advice I generally give is that COVID is a virus like many other children, so focus on getting your child well hydrated and resting. Please be aware of the signs of dyspnea and dehydration and contact your pediatrician if you have any concerns, “Desai added.

What are the biggest recommendations for keeping families with children under the age of 5 safe and healthy?

“The best way is to ensure that everyone in a qualified home is vaccinated and boosted. The best way to protect an infant from COVID is to have a mother vaccinated and boosted during pregnancy. That is, high levels of antibodies are transferred to the baby and protected for the first few months of life, “says Reiter.

“We recommend avoiding large gatherings, surgical masks for children over the age of two, and frequent hand washing,” Desai added. “Stay outdoors if possible / if the weather allows. And the important thing is to stay home if someone in your family gets sick and make sure the others you’re looking at aren’t sick. . “

“Currently, we have more information than at the beginning of this pandemic, and we know that the incident is on the wave. Use this knowledge, pay attention to spikes, and spend less time with friends and friends. We need to be able to enjoy time with our families, “says Desai.





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