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The Covid vaccine does not affect childbirth, but once you get Covid


According to a new study, the Covid-19 vaccine does not impair male or female birth, but Covid infection can affect male birth for up to 60 days.

Research funded by National Institute of Health Published on Thursday American Journal of Epidemiology We tracked data from more than 2,100 women in the United States and Canada and some of their partners for approximately a year, ending in November 2021.

Vaccination with Covid has no recognizable effect on fertility rates in either men or females. Safety of Covid vaccine..

In this study, men who tested positive for Covid within 60 days of their partner’s menstrual cycle were 18% less likely to become pregnant during that cycle than men who did not test positive. I also understand.

“It doesn’t hurt to get pregnant right away with Covid, but it may take some time.” Amelia WesselinkThe co-author and assistant professor of epidemiology research at Boston University’s School of Public Health said: CNBC make it..

According to Wesselink, the findings do not show the long-term effects of Covid infection on male births or female births.

How Covid Infection Affects Male Birth

Further research is needed to determine why male fertility rates decline after Covid infection. However, it is worth noting that fever is a common sign of Covid and that fever is known to temporarily reduce sperm count and motility. NIH (National Institutes of Health).

Dr. Boback Berookhim, head of birth and microsurgery for men at Lenox Hill Hospital in New York City, said that men with symptomatic Covid with high fever may experience a temporary decrease in sperm count. It says it may recover in a few months.

“Sperm production usually requires normal body temperature,” he says.

Dr. Adikatz, director of gynecology at Lenox Hill, said the inflammation caused by the infection may also play a role in reducing sperm quality. Currently, multiple studies show that Covid infections can affect childbirth in men.

Researchers in a NIH-sponsored study pointed out that short-term declines in male fertility could be avoided by vaccination with Covid. Wesselink hopes that the results of the study will help couples make informed decisions about Covid vaccination and provide a sense of security that vaccination does not impair their fertility. She says she is out.

To conduct the study, researchers collected data from more than 2,100 women aged 21-45 years in the United States and Canada from December 2020 to November 2021. Subjects are every 8 weeks until they become pregnant, or years if they did not.

Participants were also asked about their male partner and were given the option to invite them to fill out a similar questionnaire. Almost 25% of them did. At the time of the study, 73% of women and 74% of men were vaccinated with at least one Covid vaccine.

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