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How long does Omicron last on the surface and in the air?

How long does Omicron last on the surface and in the air?


Many of us stopped disinfecting the surface as a strategy to fight COVID-19 long ago in a pandemic. Should Omicron variants change that? (Photo: Getty Images)

(NEXSTAR) – When we learned that the real risk of COVID-19 infection was in the air, most of us stopped wiping groceries and disinfecting all our property much earlier in the pandemic. rice field. Does the arrival of the Omicron variant change that calculation?

Respiratory infections remain a major concern, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. “People can be infected by contact with contaminated surfaces and objects (parameters), but the risk is generally considered low,” the agency said.

“There is no reason to expect Omicron to behave differently. [than other variants] There is a risk of infection through the surface, “said Dr. Peter Chin Hong, an infectious disease specialist at the University of California, San Francisco.

How long can the virus last on the surface? For example, if the surface is porous, such as cotton, “studies have reported that no viable virus can be detected within minutes to hours,” the CDC said. If the surface is not porous, such as glass, stainless steel, or plastic, the study was able to detect the virus after days or weeks.

However, under “typical indoor environmental conditions,” studies have shown that infectious coronavirus is reduced by 99% in 3 days or 72 hours. Considering ventilation like an open window, its timeline is significantly faster.

Disinfectants have also proven effective against viruses, but experts do not believe that cleaning should be the main focus. According to the CDC, the risk of fomite infection (getting sick from the surface to which the virus particles are attached) is very low, and the risk of respiratory infection (getting sick by inhaling the virus particles) is very high, especially indoors. In the environment people do not wear masks.

“I’ve never cleaned a grocery in a pandemic … and I don’t expect to do so during the COVID surge,” Chin Hong said. “Air is the problem and you need to laser focus on it rather than being distracted by the surface.”

Can the virus survive in the air even after the infected person leaves the room? Studies show that the answer is yes. Particles can remain anywhere from minutes to hours, CDC says. It all depends on the air flow in the room, temperature, humidity and other factors.

“I’m not nervous about who was in the room in front of me when I entered the room,” said Dr. Kirsten Bibbins Domingo, chairman of the Department of Epidemiology and Biostatistics at the University of California, San Francisco. rice field. Interview with Cap Radio.. “But whenever I’m in a poorly ventilated room, I’m nervous about people on the other side of the room, or far farther than I generally think. , Because they don’t circulate in a way that was really designed to keep me safe. Those virus particles are kind of hanging in the air. ”




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