Diabetic Heart Disease: Risk Factors, Symptoms, Prevention
Heart disease is common in people with diabetes. Diabetes is a condition in which the body cannot process carbohydrates efficiently and the blood sugar level (sugar) is high. Type 2 diabetes is the most common form of diabetes and accounts for 90% to 95% of diabetes diagnoses.
Diabetes can have several possibilities if it is not properly treated and managed Side effects And leads to various Health problems, Kidney disease, eye disease, nerve damage, etc.People with diabetes are twice as likely to develop Heart disease Or a stroke at a younger age than a person without diabetes (blocked blood flow or bleeding in the brain).
However, lifestyle changes can reduce the risk of heart disease and improve overall heart health. Similarly, choosing a healthier lifestyle can help you manage your diabetes better.
This article describes the link between diabetes and heart disease, the symptoms of heart disease, and the steps you can take to protect your heart’s health.
Relationship between diabetes and heart disease
Consistently high blood sugar levels can damage blood vessels and the nerves that control the heart. Over time, this damage can lead to heart disease.
Includes different types of heart disease heart failure (The heart cannot pump blood properly), arrhythmia (Arrhythmia), and Atherosclerosis (Hardening and stenosis of blood vessels due to the accumulation of fatty plaque), which can be the cause Coronary artery disease (CAD) Restricts blood flow to the heart muscle.
Causes and risk factors
People with diabetes are more likely to have other symptoms that increase their risk of heart disease.
Other risk factors that increase the risk of heart disease are:
- Being overweight or obese
- Not physically active
- Consistently eat foods high in saturated fat, trans fat, cholesterol and sodium (salt)
- Excessive drinking
- Family history of heart disease
- smoking
Signs and symptoms
There are no symptoms such as high blood pressure, high triglycerides, or abnormal cholesterol. To see if you have any of these, you can do a simple blood test to check your cholesterol and triglyceride levels, and check your blood pressure in the office of a medical professional.
The common symptoms of heart disease are:
- Dyspnea
- Certain fatigue
- Lightheaded or dizzy
- arrhythmia
- Weakness and numbness in the arms and legs
- Chest pain, tension, or tightness
- Numbness, pain and weakness in the arms and legs
- Pain in the throat, neck, chin, upper abdomen, or back
- Swelling around the legs, abdomen, or eyes
- Indigestion, nausea, heartburn, or abdominal pain
- Snoring and sleep apnea (episodes that do not breathe during sleep)
Treatment and prevention
Regular health checks are important to identify health problems. Early detection of heart disease and its associated risk factors can help you and your doctor develop treatment plans to reduce the risk of complications.
Track blood sugar, blood pressure, cholesterol
Self-monitoring of blood glucose level It is an important part of your diabetes care routine at home.In addition to checking your blood sugar at home, you can A1C Seek medical attention every 3-6 months. A1C is a measurement of average blood glucose over the last 2-3 months.
In addition, check your blood pressure every time you see your doctor, and check your cholesterol at least every 5 years, or more often if it is not within normal limits.
Change the healthy lifestyle of the heart
diet: What you eat can have a direct impact on your heart health. Choose to follow a healthy diet, including a diet rich in vegetables, fruits, lean proteins, legumes, nuts, whole grains, and low-fat dairy products.
Instead of saturated and trans fats, choose healthier unsaturated fats. Hydrate with water while limiting sweet drinks and alcohol.
Physical activity: It is recommended to do moderate exercise for 150 minutes a week. Divide as you like. A good goal is to exercise for a total of about 30 minutes on most days of the week. Choose an activity that you like and can stick to and move your body in the way you enjoy.
stress: Your mental health is as important as your physical health. Stress hormones can affect blood sugar levels, Also can lead to high blood pressure. People with diabetes Increased risk of depression Diabetic pain or burnout.
Finding ways to deal with and manage stress can greatly help prevent heart disease and other health conditions.
sleep: Getting a good night’s sleep can help reduce stress hormones. Aim for 7-9 hours of sleep each night. In addition, make sure you have regular sleep and wake-up time. Circadian rhythm (Daily patterns of sleep and other factors) Consistent.
Consider medicine or surgery
dosage: Another good way to help prevent heart disease is to take the prescribed medication. This includes diabetes medications and medications to control cholesterol, blood pressure, triglycerides and more. Do not skip or stop taking the drug unless instructed by your doctor.
Surgery: If you develop heart disease, surgery or another medical procedure may be required. Treatment varies from person to person, depending on the type of heart complication. Talk to your doctor if you have any questions or concerns about potential surgical treatment for your condition.
When to seek medical attention
If you have symptoms heart attack (Part of the heart muscle does not get enough blood) or strokeSeek medical attention immediately. Early treatment helps reduce potential damage to the heart.
Symptoms of a heart attack include:
- Chest pain and pressure that lasts for more than a few minutes
- Pain or discomfort in one or both arms, shoulders, back, neck, chin
- Nausea, indigestion, or vomiting
- Dyspnea
- Fainting or dizziness
- Fatigue that does not go away with enough rest and sleep
People with diabetes are at increased risk of developing heart disease. Other conditions such as high blood pressure, abnormal cholesterol levels, high triglycerides, and other lifestyle factors further increase the risk of heart disease.
Steps that can be taken to mitigate risk include managing diabetes and other health conditions, choosing a healthy diet for the heart, participating in regular physical activity, ensuring adequate sleep, managing stress, and prescribing. For example, taking medicines that have been taken.
A word from Verywell
People with diabetes are at increased risk of developing heart disease, and there are steps you can take to minimize this risk. Participating in regular medical examinations can help identify problems and complications early. Work closely with your team of healthcare providers to find the right treatment plan.
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