Covid 19 Omicron Outbreak: Mask advice is under consideration as infection of the Omicron community has been confirmed
Afternoon January 23, 2022 Jacinda Ardern today announced a three-step plan to fight Omicron. Details will be revealed on Wednesday.
Due to the prevalence of highly contagious variants of Omicron in the community, health ministry officials are looking for advice on masks and the most effective masks.
At a meeting this afternoon when the Prime Minister announced that the entire country would move to the red setting of the Covid-19 framework, Jacinda Ardern was masked as evidence came from other countries dealing with the outbreak. Said that the evaluation of is in progress.
“Around these masks, there is evidence that provides better protection than other masks, such as the effectiveness of surgery. [masks], N95 is not the only one. “
She said a formal update will be available in the coming days.
Ashley Bloomfield, director of health, said he is considering the latest evidence for medical / surgical masks and N95.
Brisbane-based data scientist Jeremy Howard told World Today that in 2020, the evidence is evolving, reviewing the world’s largest evidence of the ability of face masks and Covid-19 to block aerosol diffusion. ..
“Throw away the cloth mask and the surgical mask,” he said.
“Omicrons are so aerosolized that they are very small particles that float in the air.
“When you inhale, you are inhaling those breathing particles.”
However, according to Bloomfield, the N95 mask must be properly worn for effective use.
“All employees using these masks in healthcare systems and borders can be less effective than regular cloth or actually surgical / medical masks if not properly worn. Therefore, we are conducting an appropriate mounting test.
“So we provide useful advice not only to the general public but also to the government on how to access masks, how to make them accessible to people and when to use them.”
Siouxsie Wiles, an associate professor and microbiologist at the University of Auckland, said people can get infected before they even notice. In short, it was important to wear a high quality mask.
“The one that fits snugly and covers the mouth and nose. If you are wearing only a cloth mask, consider upgrading to one that includes a PM2.5 filter or wearing it over a surgical mask.
“FFP2, Kn95, or KF94 masks are a good option, but there are many counterfeit masks on the market, so be careful where you buy them.
“The mask is reusable, so keep one for each day of the week and store it in a paper bag between uses. Replace it if it gets wet or dirty, or if the strap is loose and does not fit. “
An indoor environment where people don’t wear masks is at high risk of being infected with the virus, Wiles said.
“This is why I’m worried about hospitality and other similar places.”
Under the red setting, hospitality facilities such as cafes, bars, restaurants (excluding takeaway-only businesses), nightclubs, etc. are operated with vaccine pass requirements and can seat up to 100 people and be at least 1 meter away. there is.
If the hospitality industry chooses not to comply with vaccine pass requirements, it can only be taken out and must comply with retail rules.
However, Wiles said: “Whether a group of people are sitting 1 meter away from each other, indoors, especially if the location is poorly ventilated, the risk of infection is high and many people spread these types of Omicrons abroad. Example. Improving ventilation and introducing an air purifier is a way to reduce this risk. “
Amanda Kvalsvig, an epidemiologist at the University of Otago Wellington, said the overall approach to reducing the Omicron epidemic is “very appropriate”, but there are still gaps that need to be addressed.
“Government needs to move away from its current stance on breathing masks (eg P2 or N95) that appear to the general public not understanding how to wear them.
“This stance will deny one of the most effective protections New Zealanders have now.
“Respirator masks are standard wear in many countries and there is plenty of clear and easy-to-understand advice on how to use them.”
According to the U.S. public health agency, according to Kvalsvig, N95 masks tend to fit better around the face than surgical masks that are “usually gathered on the sides so that there are gaps for the virus to enter.” there is.
“The Prime Minister has signaled that the blockade will not be used. In that case, if New Zealanders mix in public while Omicron is circulating, people must have access to an effective mask. This is especially true for the fewest children-the vaccinated age group.
“This protection should not only be available to more privileged members of society who have already ordered masks from abroad.”
On January 14, the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention updated its advice on the use of masks, allowing people to choose to wear N95 and KN95, but still people have the “most protective mask” that suits them best. Said you need to wear it.
Kvalsvig said the New Zealand government should consider importing a sufficient number of masks. This will allow everyone to use at least one or a set that can be rotated every 5-7 days.
“While universal mask access is being arranged, priority should be given to supplying effective masks to the most endangered people, including critical workers.”
Health workers were well supplied with N95 masks, according to Ardan.
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