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Covid-19: Is it Omicron, a cold, or hay fever?Signs to watch out for

Covid-19: Is it Omicron, a cold, or hay fever?Signs to watch out for


explainer: Omicron is here, But do you know the symptoms you should be aware of?And how can you say Omicron from cold also hay fever??

In short, you can’t – until the Covid-19 test excludes it. Experts say.

The ZOE Covid researchRecords daily health reports from over 4 million people worldwide, The most common symptoms found Omicron’s cold is a good reflection of common colds such as runny nose, headache, malaise, sneezing, and sore throat.

Cases of Omicron have been detected in the Auckland and Motueka communities.

Ryan Anderson / Staff

Cases of Omicron have been detected in the Auckland and Motueka communities.

The original and alpha Covid-19 variants caused three very common symptoms: cough, fever, and loss of odor (or taste).

read more:
* Live Covid-19: “There is no silver bullet for Omicron,” says Chris Hypkins, expecting a large number.
* Covid-19: Up to Half of New Zealand’s Population Can Infect Omicron-Modeler
* Covid-19: Omicron is here – minimizing health and supply shock is paramount
* What you have at home Covid-19 Medical Kit

When delta, This has led to more cold-like symptoms: Tim Specter, Chief Scientist of ZOE Studies, including runny nose, sore throat, persistent sneezing, headaches and coughs (especially those who have been vaccinated). The professor said In the part for conversation..

Data for December, when Omicron spread throughout the UK, and early October, when the Delta dominated, show the top five. COVID-19 Symptoms were runny nose, headache, malaise, sneezing, and sore throat.

Loss of smell and taste – Previously characteristic Covid symptoms – are now positive in only 1 in 5 people Less than one-third (29 percent) I experienced a fever.

Professor David Murdoch said that the symptoms of Omicron tend to be the same as those of a common cold, so people say that a cold-like symptom could be Covid-19 until it proves otherwise. I said I need to assume.

University of Otago / Supply

Professor David Murdoch said that the symptoms of Omicron tend to be the same as those of a common cold, so people say that a cold-like symptom could be Covid-19 until it proves otherwise. I said I need to assume.

Only half of people with Covid had either fever, cough, or the “classical” symptoms of loss / change of smell. ZOE reported.

Professor David Murdoch, Dean of the University of Otago (Christchurch) and an infectious disease expert, In general, he said there was always a “big overlap” of respiratory symptoms.

However, it was important for people to be aware that even relatively mild respiratory symptoms (“cold symptoms”) could be Covid-19.

Murdoch urged people not to overlook the symptoms as having a cold. We are in the midst of a global pandemic, with highly infectious coronavirus strains prevalent, usually during periods of low colds.

Experts say kiwis shouldn't get rid of cold-like symptoms, and these could be Covid-19.

Nate McKinnon / RNZ

Experts say kiwis shouldn’t get rid of cold-like symptoms, and these could be Covid-19.

Don’t miss your symptoms, even if you tend to experience hay fever, he said.

“Estimated [any cold-like] The symptom is Covid until proven otherwise. “

Dr. Jema Geogegan, a virologist at the University of Otago, said studies show that Omicron grew better in the upper respiratory tract and less well in deep lung tissue.

Patients with Omicron tend to report runny nose and sore throat (upper respiratory tract symptoms), as opposed to the cough and fever seen in diseases of deep lung tissue.

This can also help explain the high contagiousness of the virus, which can be released from the nose and mouth, she said.

Dr. Jema Geogegan, a virologist, said that mild symptoms do not mean that he cannot be infected with Covid-19. In particular, many people vaccinated with Covid-19 have asymptomatic infections.


Dr. Jema Geogegan, a virologist, said that mild symptoms do not mean that he cannot be infected with Covid-19. In particular, many people vaccinated with Covid-19 have asymptomatic infections.

Geoghegan said it’s important to remember the following:[Omicron] It looks calm, but not calm. “

Although not as serious as Delta in nature, Omicron can still hospitalize and kill people, she said.

Risk of death of the person who had it Three doses of vaccine may be comparable to influenza..

She said the symptoms of Covid-19, whether Delta or Omicron, could vary considerably from person to person, and sick people were urged to be tested and quarantined until results were returned. ..

Mild symptoms do not necessarily mean negative, as the majority of Omicron patients report asymptomatic infections.




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