Domestic chicken keeper may be endangering himself or others
Cases of bird flu have been increasing recently, Outbreak in the UK, China, mainland Europe And Israel. Outbreaks usually occur in commercial herds such as large poultry farms. Therefore, bird flu is often of concern only to people working in these professions. However, as more and more people are now keeping chickens and other birds in their backyards, close contact with birds may also put them at risk of becoming infected with bird flu.
This was less obvious than when it was reported as follows: 79 year old British man Recently, the H5N1 strain of avian influenza has been tested positive. H5N1 Is a type of bird flu that is mild in wild birds but much more deadly in poultry.If it infects humans, it has 53% mortality rate.. The man lived in Devon’s house with about 20 ducks, and 100 more ducks elsewhere.While there is a man Still alive, The ducks were culled to prevent further spread.
The current biosecurity measures for bird flu are mainly Large-scale poultry farming.. However, as the outbreak becomes more common and more serious, the risk increases and can actually be found near the home.
Domestic chicken breeding
Backyard chicken breeding is increasing in the UK At least 10 years..Numbers Peaked during 2020 COVID-19 blockade with crowds Get backyard chickens Both as a hobby and to have immediate access to food.
In the UK, unless you have more than 50 birds, you do not need to register your domestic herd with the Department for Environment, Food and Rural Areas (Defra) in the UK Poultry Registry. However, backyard zookeepers are especially encouraged to voluntarily register so that they can be notified of the outbreak of the disease.Poultry registration Introduced in 2006 In particular, it is used to control disease outbreaks in all commercial birds, including chickens, ducks, turkeys, geese and quails.
Bird flu spreads Mainly for herds of livestock from waterfowl such as ducks and geese who spend a mixture of spring and summer in Siberia. When they immigrate to the UK in the fall, they bring the flu. These viruses spread through feces and saliva. Therefore, it is essential to separate the herd of livestock from wild birds during outbreaks.
When this happened, as in November 2021, Defra and the Department for Environment, Food and Veterinary Medicine (APHA) Bird Influenza Reserve (AIPZ)). This means that all captive birds are legally required to be kept indoors, usually in the spring, until the end of the outbreak. Defra points out that backyard chickens are subject to these restrictions, but AIPZ is written with commercial herds in mind.
Keepers often believe that the risk of bird flu is low, as most backyard herds consist of only a handful of birds. When the AIPZ restrictions came into force in November, I Interview with a domestic chicken keeper.. Most people understood that measures were taken to ensure the safety of birds and prevent the spread of the virus, but many feel that AIPZ does not apply due to the small number of birds. I was there. Some even felt that the risk of getting bird flu was low due to the small number of herds.
However, home herds are still vulnerable to infection, especially due to their interaction with wild bird populations. And if the owners don’t take precautions, they can catch it themselves.
Risk mitigation
Infection with human bird flu is rare. Since 2003 863 cases Percentage of human infections reported from 18 countries.But domestic herd growth may be potential new Sick reservoir.. Another problem is that not only do birds die quickly, but infections may not be reported because they fear that their beloved pets will be culled. This is why it will be important in the future for Defra and APHA to provide specific policies for raising chickens in the backyard.
But this does not mean there is no Still a lot of things Its backyard chicken zookeepers can do to protect themselves and their birds.
- Cover the birds and keep them away from wild birds.
- Frequently disinfect boots before and after interacting with birds and cleaning pens.
- Isolate new birds for 30 days before adding them to the flock.
- Monitor the herd for signs of illness.
- Report suspected cases of avian influenza to Defra and APHA.
The bird flu season usually lasts until spring, when migratory birds leave the British coast. Given the risks that backyard chicken keepers may also experience, it is important to follow the rules set to control the spread of the disease.
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