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Covid-19 Vaccine Booster Shot Reduces Omicron Death Risk by 95%, UK Survey


London — Three doses of the vaccine reduce the risk of death from Covid-19 in people over the age of 50 by 95%. Omicron surge in the UKAccording to early studies, early studies showed that immunity from vaccination was well tolerated against the worst effects of the disease, even among the elderly at greatest risk.

Analysis by the UK Health Security Agency provides a glimpse of how effective vaccination is against the death of Omicron in a highly boosted population. In December, the UK government rushed to provide boosters to everyone over the age of 16 and expanded a campaign that was previously only applicable to people over the age of 50 and people with certain health conditions.

Highly mutated Omicron variant Immune defenses can be easily circumvented to infect vaccinated people, leading to record high cases worldwide as subspecies spread, even in highly vaccinated areas such as the United Kingdom. However, some studies have shown that boost restores some protection against symptomatic illnesses, to a greater extent against hospitalization.

The latest data show that death protection is even better.

The analysis was not adjusted for age, but only for people over the age of 50. This is the population with the highest risk of serious illness and death, and the age group most likely to have suffered. Booster shot..The UK booster campaign used shots made primarily by

Pfizer Ltd


modern Ltd,

Even the person who received it


PLC vaccine for the first two doses.

In the latest report, UKHSA states that vaccine efficacy for death after two doses has dropped from more than 90%. Delta wave To about 60% during the Omicron surge. Booster Shot increased the protection against death from Omicron to about 95%.

With the proliferation of incidents, some countries are giving out a second booster shot. In Israel, early data suggest that a fourth vaccination can increase antibodies to Covid-19, but not enough to prevent infection by Omicron. The WSJ explains. Photo composition: Eve Hartley / WSJ

In the UK, more than 37 million people have received booster shots, and more than 64% of people over the age of 12 have received booster shots.

Data suggest that immunity from vaccination plays an important role in reducing the number of people who have become severely ill with Covid-19, despite the highest number of cases ever. In addition, the percentage of people in the hospital who have the most serious illness is Needs mechanical ventilationLower than the previous wave.

Meanwhile, vaccine makers are competing to test Omicron-specific vaccines.With Pfizer Moderna both recently started clinical trials A version of the vaccine adapted to the new variant. Given that boost immunization with the original vaccine has been shown to boost immunity, it is unclear whether variant shots are needed. However, the manufacturer has stated that it is preparing to make variant shots available if the authorities deem it necessary, and it has proven to be safe and effective.

Also, it is likely that immunity from previous infections, treatments that prevent the progression of the disease, and the possible mutants themselves contribute to lowering the level of serious disease. Mild symptoms than Delta.. A December study at Imperial College London suggested that people who were neither vaccinated nor previously infected were 10% to 11% less likely to be hospitalized with the Omicron variant than Delta.

Omicrons are less likely to lead to more serious illness than previous variants, but the very high number of cases still means increased mortality during the Omicron wave. Over the past week, about 246 people have died from Covid-19 every day in the UK.

This is the best of the year, but it’s still just a small part of last winter’s peak of 1,286. And while Covid-19 was not the main cause of death for all of them, it was still the main cause of death for most people. According to death certificate data from the Office for National Statistics, the virus was the root cause in about three-quarters of all Covid-19 deaths in the UK during the week ending January 14.

Write in Denis Roland [email protected]

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