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“Don’t hurt”: Unravel the mystery of a quick Covid test for kids as Australian schools reopen | Health

“Don’t hurt”: Unravel the mystery of a quick Covid test for kids as Australian schools reopen | Health


Students will return to schools in several states and territories starting next week.

The Government of New South Wales and the Government of Victoria will provide staff and students with a rapid antigen test for surveillance testing twice a week. First 4 weeks of term..

With a total of 24m self-test kits available in the two states over the next few weeks, experts will make the nasal swab at home as painless as possible for mind-boggling adults and children. Share tips on how to do it.


Dr. Eric Levi, an otolaryngologist in Melbourne, said it was important for parents and guardians to explain the testing process in an easy-to-understand manner, stressing that it may be unpleasant but painless.

β€œIt shouldn’t be hurt like a PCR test,” says Levi. “Many children have had bad experiences in the past, [a RAT] Twice a week, or daily in special circumstances, very scary for the next few weeks or months. “

To alleviate anxiety about quick testing, Levi recommends that adults show their children how-to videos to understand what they can expect and discuss what they are most comfortable with.

“Most kids have a taste. They want to lie down in bed … or hug a pillow, or younger kids can sit on their parents’ lap,” he says.

To minimize stress on the first day, Levi recommends practicing a few days in advance. It may be helpful to practice with a cotton swab before using the valuable RAT kit, he adds.

“Lower, slower”

Dr. Karen Price, President of the Royal Australian College of General Practitioners, states that it is important for adults to have a clear understanding of how to perform RAT. Anyway, their children. “

Pricing is recommended to carefully read the instructions specific to a quick test of a particular brand or watch the manufacturer’s video if possible.

“The biggest and most scary part is that people don’t know how to safely stab something into your nose,” she says.

For children, the swab should only be inserted 1-2 cm into the nostrils, while for adults it is 2-3 cm.

Both Levi and Price emphasize that the direction in which the swab is inserted is important because of the anatomy of the nasal cavity (extending posteriorly and downwardly).

β€œIt’s very important to return horizontally, not vertically,” says Price.

The swab should be gently inserted along the bottom of the child’s nose. This is a technique that explains Levi as “lower, slower”. Placing your head on a pillow or parent’s arm helps stabilize the crouching child.

Next, you need to rotate the swab several times. [as necessary], Where the virus is, “Price says.

How about a non-nose RAT?

Currently there are two TGA approved brand Self-administered RAT without nasal swabs.

One is a saliva test, which holds the device under the tongue for 2 minutes. The other is called an “oral fluid test” and spits on a tube.

Both can affect accuracy and require candidates to refrain from eating or drinking for a period of time in advance.

Unlike the nasal swabs, which are provided free of charge to students by the state government, these tests must be purchased separately.

β€œIf it costs about $ 20 per test, doing it twice a week can be quite expensive in the long run,” says Levi. “As long as parents know how to do it slowly and comfortably, the majority of children will be able to succeed with a nasal swab.”

Unlike PCR tests, nasal swabs should only be used on the nose and are not designed to function exactly as throat swabs. β€œIf it’s not recommended for use in the throat, it’s not recommended for use in the throat,” says Price.

Levi adds: “Many people want to find alternatives. [to nasal swabs] Because people are afraid of pain. But if you teach them how to do it well, you explain the whole experience in an easy-to-understand manner and you will probably work. “

Director and accuracy

According to Victoria Health guidance, children under the age of 12 should have their parents or guardians perform the test, and children over the age of 12 should do the test themselves and supervise the procedure to be performed correctly. ..

There are certain liquids that can forge positive RAT results, says Levi. Overseas Student spoofing test using orange juice Or other liquids. This is due to a chemical reaction in the test, not the substance itself containing Covid.

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Experts said it was possible Find a fake positive test Rinse with the supplied buffer to return the test strip to the correct pH.

β€œIt’s really important for teenagers to understand that they are involved in the public health response of the major communities,” says Price. β€œWe need the most accurate results possible to protect others and protect ourselves.

“Everything that interferes with the accuracy of that information challenges public health services and how to respond in the future.”




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