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Moderna begins clinical trials of mRNA HIV vaccine


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Moderna and the International AIDS Vaccine Initiative (IAVI) have begun clinical trials of an HIV vaccine using the same mRNA technology used in some COVID-19 vaccines. Romy Arroyo Fernandez via Getty Images / Nur Photo
  • Moderna gave volunteers in clinical trials the first dose of an mRNA-based HIV vaccine.
  • Vaccines direct HIV-specific antigens that can elicit specific immune responses.
  • The development of HIV vaccines will take decades, and mRNA technology may help speed up the process.

The first dose of an HIV vaccine using Moderna’s mRNA technology was given to participants in the company’s Phase 1 clinical trials. announcement last week.

The trial It is being implemented in collaboration with the International AIDS Vaccine Initiative (IAVI), a non-profit organization. Researchers are testing whether mRNA-based vaccines that provide instructions for HIV-specific antigens can elicit a particular immune response.

These antigens, also known as immunogens, were developed by the scientific team at IAVI and Scripps Research. A “Proof of concept” trial Last year, 97% of participants found that one of these immunogens produced the desired immune response (the right type of B cell priming).

The study delivered the priming immunogen itself to the cells. In current trials, Moderna’s mRNA technology is used to provide genetic instructions for immunogens, which cells use to make their proteins.

In addition, researchers are testing another booster immunogen (also provided via the mRNA platform) to see if it can help B cells mature further in the right direction. increase.

Dr. Mark Fineberg, President and Chief Executive Officer of IAVI, said: statement..

“The search for HIV vaccines has long and been difficult, and the availability of new tools in terms of immunogens and platforms can be the key to rapid progress towards effective HIV vaccines that are urgently needed. There is sex. “

Partially funded new trial Bill & Melinda Gates FoundationIs the first step in the process of inducing the maturation of certain types of B cells.

The ultimate goal is to stimulate the development of B cells that can produce broadly neutralizing antibodies that can target a wide range of HIV mutants.

The final vaccine using this method may include multiple doses Weeks to years..

Researchers will enroll 56 healthy, HIV-negative adult volunteers in the current clinical trial. Of these, 48 times the priming immunogen vaccine is given once or twice, and 32 times the booster immunogen vaccine is also given. Eight people only receive vaccines to boost their immunogens.

In addition, researchers will follow participants for 6 months after the last dose to examine their immune response and monitor potential safety concerns.

it has been Almost 40 years Because scientists have identified the human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) as the cause of AIDS.

Since then, researchers have attempted to develop effective vaccines to protect against HIV — there have been several large-scale Phase 3 clinical trials with no real success.

One challenge in developing an HIV vaccine is that when a virus infects a cell, it replicates violently, so an effective vaccine must block essentially all infections.

“If [HIV] Even if someone has been vaccinated, they will pass to initiate the infection and the infection will last a lifetime. ” Dr. Davey SmithInfectious disease specialist and translational research virologist at the University of California, San Diego.

Even the COVID-19 vaccine does not provide complete protection against this type of infection. However, it still provides strong protection against serious illness, hospitalization, and death.

The standard for HIV vaccines is high because of the need to prevent lifelong transmission by the virus.

There is Effective HIV drug It can reduce the replication of the virus in the body, but it does not completely eliminate the virus. These drugs can help people lead a long and healthy life and reduce the risk of the virus infecting others.

Early attempts at HIV vaccines focused on inducing the immune system to produce neutralizing antibodies that inactivate the virus, such as by preventing the virus from infecting cells.

However, HIV evolves rapidly, producing even newer variants than the influenza virus.

Every year, the season Influenza vaccine It needs to be updated to match the strain of virus that is expected to spread in the community.

One by comparison study We estimate that the global diversity of influenza virus gene sequences is comparable to the HIV sequence diversity found in a single person carrying the virus.

Neutralizing antibodies produced in response to a single vaccine can only work against a small number of HIV strains, making it difficult to target the virus with a vaccine due to the wide range of genetic variation in HIV. ..

Recent HIV vaccine research has focused on developing vaccines that can produce broadly neutralizing antibodies that target the surface portion of the virus, which is the same in many strains.

This is the approach adopted by IAVI and Scripps scientists. The challenge is to find the best immunogens to induce B cell maturation and produce these broadly neutralizing antibodies.

Since much of the vaccine design work can be done on a computer, Moderna’s mRNA technology can help speed up this process.

This ability enables researchers to design candidates for the COVID-19 vaccine within days of the release of the gene sequence for SARS-CoV-2, a coronavirus that causes COVID-19 by Chinese scientists. It was useful.

“A promising proof of concept for germline targeting is [last year’s trial], And this trial takes that approach to the next level. ” William thiefPhD, a professor of Scripps Research, said in a statement.

“In addition, thanks to Moderna’s technology, we were able to accelerate the production of clinical trial materials at a very fast pace,” he said.

Smith warns against exaggerating current research with the ability of HIV to evade the body’s immune response, especially even those stimulated by vaccines.

“It’s a very high hill to climb for this new mRNA technology,” he said. “To generate a very broad and strong immune response to protect against HIV.”

Still, he thinks he has a lot to gain from this study.

“They set these exams very wisely, in my opinion, to learn as much as possible,” he said. “What are the immunogens that really activate the immune system? And what can help protect people from becoming infected with HIV in the future?”

He is also grateful for his renewed interest in finding HIV vaccines.

The World Health Organization (WHO) has given HIV “epidemic” status, but many claim it. Should be called a “pandemic” Millions of people around the world live with HIV.

“You shouldn’t give up on the last pandemic [HIV] I’m fighting the COVID-19 pandemic, “Smith said. “So I really applaud the researchers who have considered new technologies for devising HIV vaccines. HIV vaccines haven’t been obtained for nearly 40 years.”




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