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COVID-19 hospitalizations remain high in Thunder Bay District

COVID-19 hospitalizations remain high in Thunder Bay District


There were 57 people in hospital with COVID-19, with 8 in ICU.

THUNDER BAY – The number of people in hospital with COVID-19 in the District of Thunder Bay remained high as the local health unit reported updated numbers Friday.

The number of active cases also rose in new numbers reported by the Thunder Bay District Health Unit Friday.

The TBDHU reported 57 people in hospital with the virus, a figure current as of the end of Wednesday.

That number includes anyone – including outside residents – hospitalized within the health unit’s territory who is positive for COVID. It has remained at 47 or higher since Jan. 22, putting pressure on local hospital capacity.

Eight COVID-positive patients were in the intensive care unit (ICU), unchanged from the health unit’s last report on Wednesday.

The health unit does not differentiate in its reporting between those admitted to hospital due to COVID-19, and those who incidentally tested positive after being admitted for other reasons.

Thunder Bay’s regional hospital had 43 COVID-positive patients as of Friday, with nine in ICU. The hospital reported its medical / surgical occupancy as 101.5 per cent and ICU occupancy at 86.4 per cent.

Two outbreaks remain active at the hospital, in its 1A wing and Transitional Care Unit.

The health unit is monitoring other outbreaks at the Thunder Bay District Jail, Thunder Bay Correctional Center’s female side, Southbridge Pinewood’s Sandpiper Unit, Hogarth Riverview Manor’s 5N-Marigold and 1N-Daffodil areas, and Pioneer Ridge’s Plaza 1 area.

The health unit no longer reports workplace outbreaks beyond vulnerable settings identified by the province.

There were 317 active cases confirmed by the health unit Friday, up from 287 on Wednesday.

The agency has warned that’s a “significant under-representation” due to limited PCR testing eligibility.

Medical officer of health Dr. Janet DeMille estimated this week the real number of infections is likely four to five times higher than that official count.

She said cases seem to be plateauing in the district, based on indicators including the number of outbreaks, confirmed cases, and wastewater surveillance.

The health unit has recently opened its walk-in vaccine clinic in Thunder Bay to all who are eligible.




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