COVID-19 cases continued to fall the week of Jan. 29, according to Coconino County’s most recent dashboard data report. While the county is still at a high rate of transmission, case rates, percent positivity and the incidence of COVID-like illness in county hospitals all fell for the first time in 2022.
COVID cases continue falling in Coconino County | Local
According to the Friday dashboard data report, the county reported 1,707 new cases of COVID-19 for the week (a rate of 1,206.5 cases per 100,000), down from 2,911 the week before (2,057.4 per 100,000). The percent of positive tests continued to fall this week to 25.4%, from 30.3% the week before, as did the number of tests conducted (8,737, compared to 11,632 the week before).
Both metrics are still above the high transmission threshold, which is 100 per 100,000 for case rates and 10% for percent positivity.
Percent positivity of tests conducted on Northern Arizona University’s campus also fell this week to 19.7% from 26.1% the week before. The majority (447 of a total of 746) were of people affiliated with the university.
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Hospitalizations rose in Coconino County this week to 39 from 24 the week before. The rate of hospital visits involving COVID-like illness (CLI) fell to 15.3% (22% the previous two weeks), as did the number of deaths (three this) week, compared to six the week before).
Flagstaff had the highest case rate for the week (1,346.1 per 100,000) and the majority (82%) of identified variants of concern. The age group with the highest case rate was between the ages of 20 and 44 (1,550 per 100,000), while those under the age of 20 had the highest positivity rate for testing at 27.1%.
Omicron was the most prevalent variant in Coconino County throughout January, with a total of 1,050 cases reported to date in TGen’s Arizona sequencing dashboard –the second highest in the state, behind Maricopa county.
The state has reported a total of 11,144 omicron genomes since the variant first arrived Dec. 8. Omicron accounted for 99.27% of sequenced genomes in the state the week ending Jan. 29. The delta variant accounted for 0.48% of sequenced genomes; a month before (the week ending Dec. 25), 43.4% of genomes were of the delta variant.
Vaccines are still the primary method recommended by public health experts to mitigate the spread of COVID. The Moderna vaccine received full approval for those 18 and older from the FDA on Jan. 31. It joins the Pfizer vaccine, which was approved in August 2021.
Hours at the Flagstaff Mall vaccine location have changed. Initial series and booster doses of the COVID-19 vaccines are now available for both kids and adults from 11 am to 5 pm on Wednesdays and Fridays. Masks are required at the site and no appointment is needed.
A full list of vaccination and testing locations can be found at
Flagstaff schools continued to have similar trends as in the county overall, but with slightly higher case rates.
Flagstaff Unified School District (FUSD) had a case rate of 1,377 per 100,000 (from 2,138) and a percent positivity of 24.4% (from 29.3%). Metrics at area charter schools were slightly lower, with a case rate of 1,370 per 100,000 ( 2,138 the week before) and a positivity yield of 23.9% (from 29.1%).
FUSD reported 195 total cases for the week from 375 the week before, bringing the district’s total for the year so far to 2,333. Flagstaff and Coconino high schools (52 and 25, respectively) had the highest case numbers for the week, followed by the district’s two middle schools (19 cases were reported at Mount Elden Middle School, 12 at Sinagua).
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What Are The Main Benefits Of Comparing Car Insurance Quotes Online
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