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COVID-19 vaccine is safe for cancer patients

COVID-19 vaccine is safe for cancer patients


The vaccine is given to a person's shoulderShare on Pinterest
According to experts, the COVID-19 vaccine is safe for cancer patients.Vanessa Liroy / Bloomberg via Getty Images
  • Researchers report that cancer patients do not experience the greater side effects of the mRNA COVID-19 vaccine than the general population.
  • The researchers tracked short-term side effects from more than 1,700 recipients of the Pfizer vaccine.
  • Experts say the study should provide cancer patients with the peace of mind that the mRNA COVID-19 vaccine is safe to obtain.
  • However, past studies have shown that people with certain types of cancer do not receive a significant increase in antibodies from the vaccine.

is more than 10 billion times It is reportedly given in 184 of the COVID-19 vaccines.

In the United States 543 million times It has been administered so far.

Despite the widespread use of vaccines, some people with cancer wonder if injections are safe.

A group of researchers study On February 7th it may provide some relief.

Researchers report that mRNA COVID-19 vaccines, such as those produced by Pfizer and Moderna, are as safe for cancer patients as everyone else.

Researchers at the Fox Chase Cancer Center in Philadelphia have tracked short-term side effects from more than 1,700 recipients of the Pfizer vaccine.

They said there were no other reactions to people who were receiving aggressive cancer treatment (surgery, chemotherapy, immunotherapy, or radiation therapy) or who had completed treatment.

Results were obtained from face-to-face, telephone, and online surveys conducted on people who received two mRNA vaccinations every three weeks between February 16 and May 15, 2021.

A total of 1,183 people with a history of cancer responded.

Respondents experienced injection site pain, muscle aches, arthralgias, fever, chills, headaches, nausea, and malaise at a rate similar to that reported by cancer-free people from the original clinical trials. ..

The negative effects on people receiving immunotherapy also reflect the negative effects on the general public.

“Patients, their families, and their healthcare caregivers absolutely need to be reassured of these results. When we surveyed about 2,000 patients, cancer patients were vaccinated compared to those without cancer. It turns out that there is no risk of an unexpected reaction to. ” Dr. Eric M. HowitzPrincipal Investigator and Chairman of the Department of Radiation Oncology, Lewis Katz School of Medicine, Temple University, Philadelphia, said at a press conference.

“We now have data and clinical experience from thousands, thousands and thousands of vaccinated cancer patients. The mRNA vaccine is safe and to prevent hospitalization and death from COVID-19. We know that this is the absolutely most effective way to do it, “he added.

“It is very important for cancer patients to be vaccinated with COVID-19, because they know that they can be particularly vulnerable to infections and their consequences,” Horwitz said. , Some have expressed concern about possible vaccine reactions. “

Prior to this study, there was not much data on the cancer population.

“Vaccination with COVID-19 was an opportunity to help me take control and protect myself,” Dunbarks, who was treated by the Fox Chase Cancer Center, said at a press conference. ..

“Getting cancer treatment and follow-up can be scary, especially during a pandemic. This new evidence that cancer patients do not have the extra side effects of mRNA vaccines is one less worry and why they are shot. There is one more thing, “he added.

Dr. Natalie S. CallanderResearchers say he is an associate professor at the University of Wisconsin’s Carbon Cancer Center and a member of the National Comprehensive Cancer Network (NCCN) Advisory Board on COVID-19. The rate of cancer was high, and in fact, recipients with a history of cancer had a lower incidence of pain at the injection site. “

Callander also said that more than half of people had a history of cancer and about 18 percent were receiving aggressive treatment.

“This study shows that cancer patients do not have a high incidence of complications and should help counteract false information about COVID-19 vaccination,” Callander told Healthline.

“This report provides practitioners and patients with additional peace of mind that the COVID-19 vaccine is safe and should be delivered without hesitation. [Center for Disease Control and Prevention] And NCCN recommendations, “she added.

Despite the latest research results, there was a problem with some cancer patients and their ability to get the full positive effect of the vaccine.

As a health line report In August, a study by the Leukemia and Lymphoma Association (LLS) found that 25% of patients with blood cancer in the United States did not receive antibody production from the COVID-19 vaccine.

Or studyPublished in Cancer Cell, general immunosuppressive cancer treatments such as the monoclonal antibody treatment Rituxan and CAR-T cell immunotherapy may affect the body’s ability to make antibodies. I am.

LLS experts told Healthline that people with blood cancers (lymphoma, leukemia, and other blood cancers) are most vulnerable to the effects of COVID-19.




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