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American Heart Association’s Go Red for Women Luncheon returns to Metro Detroit

American Heart Association’s Go Red for Women Luncheon returns to Metro Detroit


NOVI, Mich. – The American Heart Association announced the 2022 Go Red for Women Luncheon will be held in-person on Feb. 25.

The luncheon is designed to raise awareness about cardiovascular disease, the leading cause of death for women in the United States.

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The American Heart Association is encouraging people to “Reclaim their Rhythm,” which means to reclaim control of their mental and physical well-being as we continue to deal with the COVID pandemic.

The event will be held from 10 am until 2 pm on Feb. 25 at the Suburban Collection Showplace in Novi.


“I feel so fortunate to support such an amazing cause and Chair this year’s Go Red event,” Ronia Kruse said. “Like so many others, I’ve personally experienced the devastating toll heart disease takes on entire families. Go Red for Women is In my own personal journey with my mother and other family members, I’ve learned that many of the deaths caused by heart disease can be prevented with lifestyle changes, and it starts with awareness and education. I want to do my part to make a difference. ”

The American Heart Association remains steadfast and committed to meeting the comprehensive health needs of women.

AHA’s annual Detroit Go Red Luncheon is a reputable platform to highlight awareness of prevention strategies and individual risk reduction, especially because the majority of heart disease is preventable. ”Says AHA volunteer and featured luncheon speaker, Dr. Nishtha Sareen, a cardiologist who serves as the medical director of the Ascension Providence Women’s Heart Clinic, in southeast Michigan. “In this way we can have a meaningful impact on heart disease in women, which has been the primary cause of mortality for several decades. Changing this statistic will come with innovation, collaboration, and enthusiastic initiative. Let’s get right on it and bring the change that needs to come. ”


Go Red for Women is nationally sponsored by CVS Health and the Metro Detroit luncheon is locally sponsored by Ascension Michigan.

How to buy tickets

The Detroit Go Red for Women Expo and Luncheon is set for Friday (Feb. 25) from 10 am until 2pm

Florine Mark is the keynote speaker and Dr. Nishtha Sareen is the medical speaker. Local 4’s Mara MacDonald is the emcee and Ben Sharkey will be providing entertainment.

There are also two virtual breakout sessions this year. One is on Feb. 6 at 12 pm and the other is on Feb. 23 at 12 pm

Click here to learn more or to buy tickets.

Read: Read: Still waiting on the free at-home COVID tests you ordered from the government? So are many others


COVID protocols

If you’re planning on attending the Go Red for Women Luncheon, you will have to show a negative COVID-19 test result before entering the event space.

The test will have to be a PCR or rapid test from a medical professional that was taken the day of the event. It can also be a negative COVID-19 home test that was taken the day of the event.

Proof can be shown by taking a picture of the negative test. Guests will need to bring proof of negative COVID-19 test and a photo ID to check in. Guests will also need to wear high-quality, close-fitting mask anytime they are inside and not actively eating or drinking.

Do not attend the event if you are not feeling well or have symptoms of COVID.

February is Heart Month: Click here for complete coverage

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