Research says testes can suffer coronavirus damage without actual infection
A new study by Chinese and American researchers has revealed that the new coronavirus can damage the testes without infecting the cells. After careful analysis of Wuhan patient samples, researchers found that the virus caused changes in “ballooning” that attacked cells involved in sperm production.
In addition, scientists believe that the reaction culminated in the virus sticking to cell surface enzymes. In contrast, few viral genes were detected in semen and testis tissue from patient samples. These findings suggest that sexually transmitted infections did not cause any effects.
In addition, the authors of this paper say that conception planning and sperm donation can be considered during the convalescent period of patients with coronavirus. Researcher’s peer-reviewed paper has been published in clinical journal European Urology on Sunday.
Also read: COVID-19 may be sexually transmitted due to coronavirus detection in semen of recovering men: Study
Does Coronavirus Cause Infertility?
There was a suggestive response to the report that COVID-19 may affect male fertility. Concerns have surfaced because testes are known to produce Angiotensin converting enzyme 2 (ACE2), a protein that the novel coronavirus binds to enter cells.
Also, Investigation Among 181 Chinese men, COVID-19 men were found to have altered levels of some of their reproductive hormones compared to men without the virus. However, the researchers found that there was no difference in testosterone levels between the two groups.
However, the limitation of the study was that the researchers failed to pay attention to the sperm count or sperm quality in men. According to Paolo Madeddu, a professor at the University of Bristol, hormonal changes may be due to general inflammation also affecting genital function.
Conversely, two Chinese studies found no evidence of virus in semen from men who recovered from COVID-19. The study is relatively small, 12 And 34 male. One result of the study suggests that testicular cells containing the ACE2 protein lack a second protein required for the virus to enter the cell.
What is the testicle doing with the Coronavirus?
New research confirms that the testes are the “reservoir” of coronavirus. The paper revealed that the virus can stay in the testicles of men for a longer period of time than the rest of the body. Since the testes are “walled” from the immune system, there is a potential risk of a more isolated infection in the testes.
Paper published in MedRxiv High expression of ACE2 in the testes explains that the testicular virus reservoir is likely to play a role in male viral grit. The authors of the study call for further study and investigation of the problem.
In the latest studies, over 80% of the samples Seminiferous tube.. These tubules in the testicles are where sperm are made. The findings of the study also revealed how the cells that make up the tubules grow larger than the healthy cells, forming a balloon-like shape.
They do not know how the virus did this without entering testicular cells, but speculate that spike proteins and immune system dysfunction may be involved in the injury. In conclusion, researchers say more research should be done to find ways to reduce the risk of testicular damage during coronavirus infection.
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