90 minutes of exercise after vaccination may boost additional immunity
Researchers at Iowa State University have found that 90 minutes of mild to moderate intensity exercise immediately after the flu or COVID-19 vaccine can further boost immunity.
In a newly published study, participants who cycled on an exercise bike or walked for an hour and a half after getting a jab compared to those who sat down or continued their daily activities for the next four weeks. Produced more antibodies in. After immunization. Researchers found similar results when conducting experiments on mice and treadmills.
Antibodies are essentially the body’s “search and destruction” line of defense against viruses, bacteria, fungi, and parasites. Vaccines help the immune system learn how to respond by identifying foreign bodies and strengthening the body’s defenses, including increased antibodies.
“Our preliminary results are the first to show that certain times can enhance the body’s immune response to the Pfizer-BioNtech COVID-19 vaccine and the two vaccines for influenza,” Journal Brain, Behavior. , And immunity.
Researchers said the results of this study could directly benefit people at different fitness levels. Almost half of the participants in the experiment had a BMI in the overweight or obese category. During 90 minutes of exercise, they focused on maintaining a pace that kept their heart rate at about 120-140 beats per minute rather than distance.
In this study, researchers also tested whether participants could get the same antibody uplift with just 45 minutes of exercise. They found that shorter training did not increase antibody levels in participants. According to Kouto, the research team may test whether 60 minutes is enough to get a response in the follow-up.
Why boost?
Kouto said there may be multiple reasons why long-term mild to moderate intensity exercise improves the body’s immune response. Workouts increase blood and lymph flow and help the circulation of immune cells. As these cells move around the body, they are more likely to detect foreign objects.
Data from mouse experiments also suggested that the type of protein produced during exercise (ie, interferon alpha) contributes to the production of virus-specific antibodies and T cells.
But more research is needed to answer why and how. When we exercise, there are numerous changes in metabolism, biochemistry, neuroendocrine, circulation, and so on. Therefore, there is probably a combination of factors that contribute to the antibody response found in our study. “
Professor Marian Kohut, the lead author of the paper
Researchers continue to track the antibody response of participants 6 months after immunization and have begun another study focusing on the effects of exercise on people receiving booster shots.
Postdoctoral fellow Tyanez Jones, graduate assistant Jessica Alley, and graduate student at the time of the study, Justus Hallam, co-authored a recently published dissertation with Maria Kohut. According to Kouto, the research team also received a lot of support from undergraduate students, including students from the ISU Sciencebound Scholarship Program.
Journal reference:
Haram, J. , et al. (2022) Exercise after influenza or COVID-19 vaccination increases serum antibodies without increasing side effects. Brain, behavior, and immunity.
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