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Healthy and healthy mother left BLIND by coronavirus after spending 9 weeks in a coma


After fighting the coronavirus in intensive care, FIT and three healthy mothers went blind.

Nursing home worker Sara Smith (53 years old) COVID-19 On April 2nd, two weeks later he was taken to the hospital.

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Sarah took a picture with her daughter Rebecca and was first infected with the coronavirus in early April.


Sarah took a picture with her daughter Rebecca and was first infected with the coronavirus in early April.Credit: Evening Gazette
Sarah was blinded by a coronavirus after spending nine weeks in a coma.


Sarah was blinded by a coronavirus after spending nine weeks in a coma.Credit: Evening Gazette

But seven weeks later, she’s still a long way to stay at James Cook University Hospital in Middlesbrough.

Her daughter Rebecca Smith could easily see her mother on Tuesday-first time in seven weeks.

Sharing the devastating battle of her family, Rebecca publishes her story, showing that “the damage from the coronavirus looks different to everyone.”

Formerly healthy, Sarah was taken to a highly dependent unit at James Cook University Hospital on April 14.

Corona virus damage looks different to everyone

Rebecca Smith

She was breathing using a CPAP machine and a food ventilator, but had to move to the intensive care unit on April 22nd.

Her condition deteriorated and she was in a coma and placed on a ventilator.

Rebecca, 29, explains: “I had a really bad lung, so things got worse, I was in a coma and put on a ventilator.

“She subsequently developed a secondary bacterial infection in her lungs. Coronaviruses affect the body in so many ways.

Doctors want Sara drawn with her daughter Rebecca and her grandson to regain her sight


Doctors want Sara drawn with her daughter Rebecca and her grandson to regain her sightCredit: Evening Gazette


“On May 6, she began having seizures and left her brain swollen.

“The doctor hopes her brain swelling in the PRES syndrome will go away and her vision will be restored, but the damage may actually occur, but it’s not.

“She may have had a stroke during an attack, which causes her blindness.

“She has memory problems, but she still suffers from delirium, confusion, and hallucinations, but there are clear moments.”

She has a memory problem and suffers from delirium, confusion, and hallucinations

Rebecca Smith

Working for 18 years at Gables Care Home Middlesbrough, Sara wakes up from a coma on May 14.

But doctors can’t be sure if nine out of three people actually went blind.

Two mothers, Rebecca, scanned her eyes and said that her mother’s vision problems were related to her brain.

Sarah has a long way to go and needs to see a neurologist for treatment.

long way to go

But Rebecca says hospitals must constantly adapt to meet their individual needs for coronavirus restrictions.

When a puzzled grandfather tried to book a coronavirus test, he said, “There is no place called a red car.”

A woman in Billingham said: “The hospital is divided into two sides: covid-19 and non-covid, but there is no overall service. She needs to be admitted to a neurology ward for rehabilitation.

“Mom needs to see a neurologist and needs rehabilitation so she can learn to walk again. She also has memory and vision problems.

“My mother is currently negative for coronavirus tests, so we need to adapt our policies.”

Sarah-Jessica, Paul, and Rebecca’s mother-was evicted from the ICU on Wednesday, but Jessica said “finding a suitable ward for her mother was difficult.”

Rebecca caught the moment of a temporary reunion with her mother on Tuesday.

She added a photo of her mother in a hospital bed on the hospital premises, “Here she is an absolute hero!

Sarah was


Sarah was “healthy” before getting infected with the coronavirusCredit: Evening Gazette

“She agreed with this photo and when the nurse asked if she wanted the sun or shade, “Yes, give me a baby in the sun!”

“This was only 10 minutes as she was her first taste of fresh air since she went seven weeks ago.

“She has lost a lot of weight and looks really good, but I think she’s still beautiful. This picture she agreed with shows her strength.”

Regarding the effects of the coronavirus, she added:

She still has a good life, sure

Rebecca Smith

“It’s not just a bad flu case, as people still say broadly.

“The damage looks different to everyone, and the impact on my mother will change her life in the best scenarios.

“But I’m sure she’s still having a good life.”

Rebecca also praised the NHS staff at Middlesbrough Hospital for saving his mother’s life.

She also added: “I am very grateful to the staff across all roles for all they did and saved my life for me.”

A financing page has been set up to help Sarah recover against Covid-19.

You can make a donation here..

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