Prepare hundreds of contact tracers to stop the spread of COVID-19 BC
Currently, there are more than 550 infectious disease investigators in the state implementing what is called “contact tracking.” They are quickly trying to identify people who test positive for the virus, identify possible spreads, and stop the spread in the population. ..
At Vancouver Coastal Health, the 12-person contact tracer team that existed before COVID-19 has grown to more than 270 people. Although scattered throughout the region, they are trained and ready to go quickly, said Dr. Althea Hayden, a medical and health officer who helps oversee the team.
“As a kind of detective, we have a long history of describing public health investigations, including contact tracking,” she said. “You talk about Gum-Shoo epidemiologists going to the scene and things like that.”
Fraser Health’s team of 14 contact tracers has grown to over 250 people, said Aamir Bharmal, head of medical care for epidemics and mitigation. At Island Health, there are 10 to 35 people.
“Following contact is crucial for response, given that COVID-19 has no cure to prevent infection or vaccine transmission,” Bharmal said. “It’s about identifying how someone got a COVID, but who showed it to whom.”
Time is important because, according to Bharmal, cases of COVID-19 can double in the community within a few days. If you can’t reach them over the phone, track them with other medical teams and, in some cases, police.
“Very quickly, small clusters can result in much larger outbreaks,” Bharmal said. “Once you have identified the case, it’s ideal to counteract the ember so it doesn’t become a major fire.”
Thanks to British Columbia’s successful work on social distances and curbing COVID-19 growth over the past two months, there are currently no new cases enough to keep hundreds of tracers busy.
However, the public health nurses, doctors and health inspectors that make up the contact tracking team remain trained and ready to take action immediately. Meanwhile, they also do their normal work.
“Whenever the next wave comes, I’m just ready,” Hayden said.
The need to build a small army of contact tracers is one of the state’s best lines of defense against COVID-19.
“For a long time, people really kept their bubbles and were almost at home,” said Mary Hein, contact tracer at Vancouver Coastal Health. “Now that people are starting to take their place, it’s time to put those detective hats back.”
It’s a fascinating but demanding job, Hein said. A 34-year-old public health nurse has been handling cases for almost five years. Prior to COVID-19, a small crew tracked outbreaks such as whooping cough, measles and tuberculosis.
The strategy is the same for coronaviruses. If a person responds positively, a comprehensive quiz will tell you when the symptoms started, where you went, where you met, where you worked, who your family was and where you live together. ..
Tracer returns two weeks before the person’s first symptoms to find out how they caught COVID-19.
Then, based on the answers and drill downs, from 48 hours before the first symptoms to the present, a contact tracer contacts the fan and calls every person who may have contacted that person, most of them. People to test and self-test-Isolate for 2 weeks.
Whenever someone else gives a positive response, the interview process is repeated, further expanding the web of contacts.
“It takes some skill to actually get all that information,” Hein said. “People usually do their best, but they don’t always remember everything without asking where they went, what they went shopping for, and what they did today.”
“When we’re having the measles incident, it’s literally progressing in minutes because it’s in the air. You need to dialize with them almost every minute. From time to time, these interviews go into every detail. It may take an hour.”
Not everyone is willing to reveal who they see and why.
“We can start connecting things,” Hein said. “We sometimes become skilled when people don’t necessarily have all the information about their contacts and partners…. not everyone wants to be honest. We have you Give us what you have and say that you get everything you have.
“It’s amazing how you can actually find it with just your name and phone number.”
As part of the investigation, under BC law, healthcare professionals monitoring contact tracers Exceptional Access to information such as medical records of people who are not directly cared for. Even doctors and nurses in the emergency room do not have such access.
You can still use the state database to verify addresses, identities, and phone numbers. Sometimes teams even ask for people’s phone logs or credit card records, but so far these are voluntary requests, not legal requirements.
“There are some very interesting and challenging things in this work,” Hein said. “I love that kind.”
State health official Dr. Bonnie Henry says people need to maintain a social distance of 2 meters from each other at least until the COVID-19 vaccine is developed.
She also continues to ban gatherings of over 50 people. If you can’t physically stay at a distance, wearing a cloth mask can prevent infectious splashes from spreading to others, Henry said.
Hayden said these rules are still important rules in support of contact tracking systems.
“Many things that are currently banned are the worst scenarios,” she said.
“There are reasons why conventions are no longer being held at the convention center because it’s what people call super-spreader events. About this idea, on average for each case of COVID a few Much attention has been paid to having secondary cases, but in some cases there are actually no secondary cases and in others there are tons.”
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