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Research has discovered new antibodies that can block intracellular Covid infections.Read here

Research has discovered new antibodies that can block intracellular Covid infections.Read here


This approach, recently described in the journal Microbiology Spectrum, can be added to existing SARS-CoV-2 antibody cocktails to enhance functionality against new mutants.

“We have developed an approach that disrupts the SARS-CoV-2 transmission chain,” said Jogender Tusir-Singh, senior author of research at the University of California, Davis, USA.

The antibody FuG1 targets the enzyme Furin, which the virus uses for the efficient chain of infection of human cells.

“The Covid-19 vaccine is a great lifesaver in reducing hospitalization and serious illness, but we are now learning that it may not be very effective in controlling the transmission of the virus. “Masu,” said Tusir-Singh.

Researchers noted that the engineered FuG1 antibody competitively interferes with the furin function required to increase the infectivity of the SARS-CoV-2 virus.

Wind chimes found throughout the human body are involved in various functions of cells. It is a type of enzyme that can break down proteins into smaller components.

Furin does this by cleaving or cleaving multibasic peptide bonds within the protein, the researchers said.

It can also cut and activate viruses that invade human cells. Pathogens that utilize furin in human hosts include HIV, influenzaDengue and SARS-CoV-2, they said.

When SARS-CoV-2 infects human cells, the SARS-CoV-2 virus already “cleaves” and activates the peaplomer used to invade and infect the cells.

However, when the virus is being synthesized (replicating) in the host cell, the spike becomes inactive.

The virus must use the host cell’s furin to cleave the peplomer into two parts, S1 and S2. This activates the spikes on the virus particles and propagates efficiently upon release.

“The virus uses the wind chimes of the host to infect one cell to another. This additional activation step makes the virus very susceptible to transmission,” said the lead author of the study. And, Tan Moi Mondal, a postdoc researcher at the University of California, Davis, said.

According to researchers, inhibiting furin to limit the SARS-CoV-2 linkage in the infectious cycle is not an easy mechanism.

“Flynn is found throughout the human body and is required for the normal functioning of many biological processes. When Flynn stops doing its job, it causes high somatic toxicity. Therefore, standard Flynn inhibitors are It’s not a clinically viable option, “Tushir-Singh said.

In the latest study, the team designed a binding antibody that targets the SARS-CoV-2 peaplomer.

The design is similar to a Therapeutic Monoclonal (IgG) antibody, but with additional functionality (Fc extended peptide). That In particular, it interferes with the host’s wind chimes.

FuG1 Furin function It limits the activation of spikes and specifically limits the infectivity of the virus in the infectious chain to the host cell.

FuG1’s high affinity, variable domain targeting spikes are key to furin targeting specificity to avoid potential toxicity.

Researchers evaluated the furin-destroying agent FuG1 engineered in human lung tissue cells. The test was performed using the original SARS-CoV-2 variant and a pseudovirus.

They found that the addition of a furin-destroying peptide did not interfere with the function of the antibody or its ability to bind to SARS-CoV-2 spikes.

FuG1 had a significant effect on spike cutting at the furin site. It also interfered with the overall stability of the SARS-CoV-2 peaplomer. It is generally required for cell infection and viral transmission.

The next step for the team is a series of experiments with mice. They also test antibodies engineered against current mutants such as Omicron.

Tushir-Singh is cautiously optimistic that variants such as Omicron do not make much of a difference.

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