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Invite the Nottinghamshire family to have a heartfelt heart for organ donation on Valentine’s Day

Invite the Nottinghamshire family to have a heartfelt heart for organ donation on Valentine’s Day


NHS Blood and Transport is calling on families to have a heartfelt conversation about organ donation, as more than 300 people are waiting for a heart transplant. Valentine’s day..

Heart transplants have continued throughout the pandemic, with only 7% less than the previous year in 2020/21.

However, the waiting list for heart transplants has increased by 85% over the last decade, from 169 patients in March 2012 to 313 in March 2021.

Stephen Papp, 56, from Nottingham, received a heart transplant in 2020, thanks to a donor family who said “yes” while losing a loved one during a pandemic.

After experiencing chest pain in April 2018, five active and sporty grandfathers were diagnosed with dilated cardiomyopathy, and a few days later he wore LVAD. In 2020, the right side of his mind also began to struggle, and he was put on the urgent waiting list.

Stephen, the four fathers, said: “It was hard to swallow when I was told I had a heart problem. It was a big shock. When I first went to the hospital, they knew if I would achieve it overnight. Didn’t, and I was able to have an LVAD. I had some problems but it didn’t stop me, I went back to the gym and towed coaching, climbing and LVAD Did

“Then I had to be hospitalized again and added to the emergency transplant list. I tried not to think too much about COVID and kept a positive attitude. While I was waiting, I had sepsis and twice. I had the problem of cardiac arrest, but only my LVAD saved me.

“My transplant made a big difference. LVAD suppressed me, but now I feel I can push myself again. I go to the gym, hike and climb. I love being active and want to do my activities and get out as much as I can. I can’t express how happy I am. I live my life and do what I really like Thanks to the blood donors and their families, I can spend time with my children and grandchildren. “

Organ donation legislation is currently transitioning to an opt-out system throughout England, Wales and Scotland, but many are not yet aware that families are always consulted before organ donation progresses.

Families find it easy and likely to support donations when they know what their loved ones want, but only 43% of the UK’s population is an NHS organ donor registration. Only 38% shared their organ donation decision with their families.

Anthony Clarkson, Director of Organ and Tissue Donations and Transplants at the NHS Blood and Transplant, said: Heart transplant. We encourage everyone to have that heart now.

“Talk to your family, tell them your organ donation decision, convince them of it, and make sure they know what they want. If you can support their decision, please share your organ donation decision with all your heart on this Valentine’s Day to save more lives. “

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