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NHS launches lifesaving campaign to tackle heart attack myth in the northwest

NHS launches lifesaving campaign to tackle heart attack myth in the northwest


The Northwest NHS is working with medical services across the country today to launch a new lifesaving campaign that encourages dialing 999 if there are early signs of a heart attack.

With the support of celebrities such as Grave actor Richard Wilson and Sky Sports presenter “Tube” Onefoot, there are many campaigns after the survey confirmed that 70% of people in the northwest thought they had a heart attack. Work on the myth of a common heart attack. Same as cardiac arrest.

A new poll showed that less than half (43%) in the northwest said they would dial 999 if they experienced a lesser-known symptom of a heart attack.

Starting today (Monday), the new NHS advertisement shows people who are experiencing some of the common early symptoms of a heart attack (sweat, anxiety, chest tightness) and 999 if they experience symptoms of a heart attack. Encourage the viewer to dial.

This campaign, which runs from February 14th to March 31st, 2022, is the first of the NHS’s “Help Us Help You” campaign, which specializes in heart attacks.

Regarding the launch, top doctors in the region said that if people were aware of these vital signs, early treatment could prevent the deaths of thousands.

Dr. David Levy, Medical Director of NHS North West, said:

“This is the only and greatest area that can save lives in the next decade, and this new campaign is an important step forward in that life-saving mission.

“We need to help educate the general public to recognize the symptoms of a heart attack so that they themselves, their loved ones, and actually experience a heart attack. You can help those around you and know when to seek early medical assistance.

“Some symptoms are not well known and many seem less serious and are easily overlooked as insignificant, but dialing 999 in this situation is too early. No. The faster you act, the more you recover completely. “

According to a new NHS study, 68% of people surveyed in the northwest understood that chest pain was a symptom of a heart attack, but only a few knew that sweating was a symptom. In 48%, only 29% felt weak and crazy (30%) or general anxiety (32%) was also a symptom.

Actor and director Richard Wilson said:

“I’m more tired, less walking around, and less memory. The scariest thing is that I didn’t know enough about heart attacks and heart health at the time.

“Everyone, especially those over the age of 50, is advised to look for symptoms of a heart attack. If you think you have these symptoms, call 999 immediately.”

Peter Dale (Tubes), a presenter at Sky Sports’ Soccer AM who had a heart attack at the age of 36, explains that his symptoms didn’t look serious at first.

“I didn’t think I was experiencing symptoms of a heart attack at the time. On the morning of the attack, I thought I had indigestion and played soccer, then went home. I felt sick and my arms started to numb. I did.

“I was able to send a text message to my mother who called the ambulance. Only when the rescuers arrived I realized that this was a heart attack.

“People need to be aware of their symptoms. They don’t grab their breasts and fall to the ground. The initial signs aren’t always serious, but if you have symptoms, call 999. Act immediately. Saved my life. “

The new NHS campaign also highlights the difference between a heart attack and cardiac arrest to the general public.

A heart attack occurs when the blood supply to the heart is cut off. This can lead to a lack of oxygen in the heart, which can cause serious muscle damage. The early signs of a heart attack vary, but the most common are chest pressure, sweating, and the feeling that something is wrong. The person is conscious and breathes.

Cardiac arrest is different-it usually happens suddenly and without warning, and a person quickly loses consciousness. Their hearts stop, their pulse stops, and sadly, people experiencing cardiac arrest usually die within minutes if not treated. A heart attack can lead to cardiac arrest.

John Price, 73, an avid motorcyclist from Banks, Lancashire, underwent triple heart bypass surgery at Liverpool Heart and Chest Hospital at the age of 70. We had this pain in his throat as we were walking and walking on a fairly steep slope. It was only a few minutes, and when I stopped walking, it soon subsided.

“A few weeks later I went to see a doctor. I thought it was acidic, but she sent me directly to a rapid chest pain clinic, so she wasn’t happy. Apparently I was on the ball. The questionnaire they had me fill out while I was there asked me about all these symptoms, but I never had chest pain.

“Anyway, they found an obstruction and told me they needed a triple heart bypass. If I didn’t have surgery within the next 12 months, I would have a major heart attack.

“To be honest, they were great, there was nothing wrong with it, and I can’t thank you enough for the care I received. I’ve been a motorcyclist since 16 years old, and thanks to that I’m 73 years old. I’m riding a Harley-Davidson. “

Elliott Kosgrove, 60, an avid hiker from Burscough, Lancashire, who had a heart attack during a checkout at Southport Hospital at the age of 54, said: I didn’t really care because I was old enough to get heartburn just by looking at pies and pastes.

“In the end, my wife put a badge on me, so I went to Southport A & E and watched me there for a few hours, and I actually had a heart attack in the hospital. They had a chest X-ray. I remember coming to shoot. I said, “Oh, I feel sick,” but that’s it! “

“They were so great that I completed the procedure on Friday and went out for a dog walk on Saturday afternoon. When you think about the results, I am very much indebted to them.

“For those who are experiencing symptoms, don’t ignore it and go straight to 999. Don’t hesitate.”

Dr. Rafael Perry, Medical Director and Consultant Cardiologist at Liverpool Heart and Chest Hospital, said: “Avoiding treatment for a heart attack can be life-threatening, so it is imperative that patients do not ignore their symptoms.

“Sudden pain, chest tightness, and pressure can all be signs of someone having a heart attack, other symptoms such as shortness of breath and pain from the chest to the arms, jaw, neck, back, and stomach. There is also.

“It is very important for anyone who has experienced these symptoms to call 999 for urgent medical attention. The NHS will help.”

Dr. Charmaine Griffiths, Chief Executive Officer of the British Heart Foundation, said:

“You can easily get rid of the initial symptoms of a suspected heart attack, but don’t rethink about dialing 999. The NHS and our emergency services are for everyone and once. You can save your life with a quick phone call. “




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