Lassa fever raises concerns in the UK.Everything you need to know about symptoms and treatment
UK Health and Security Agency (UKHSA), public Health agencies said close contact with patients was followed for the purpose of “appropriate assessment, support and advice.”
“The risk to the general public remains very low,” he added.
UKHSA confirmed on Wednesday that the other two had been diagnosed with the disease.
Read below for more information on this deadly virus
Lassa fever
Lassa fever is an acute viral hemorrhagic fever caused by the Lassa virus, a member of the arenavirus family. To tell World Health Organization (WHO).
The name of this virus comes from the town of Lassa in northern Nigeria, which was first identified in 1969.
WHO also confirmed that Lassa fever is known to be endemic in Benin, Ghana, Guinea, Liberia, Mali, Sierra Leone, Togo and Nigeria, but probably also in other West African countries.
WHO says the disease is endemic to some rodent populations in West Africa.
Matomys rats can spread the deadly Lassa virus.
Studies show that Mastomys rats Infected Along with the virus, it can probably excrete the virus in its feces and urine throughout its life.
As a result, the virus can spread easily, especially because rats can breed rapidly and inhabit human homes.
The most common method of infection is to consume or inhale rat urine or feces. It can also spread through cuts and open wounds.
Feeding mice can also cause them to become infected with the virus.
Human-to-human contact is possible through blood, tissue, secretions, or excrement, but not through contact. Sharing needles can spread the virus and there are some reports of sexually transmitted diseases.
Lassa fever can also be transmitted between patients and staff in poorly equipped hospitals where sterility and protective clothing are not standard.
Transmission rate
Data show that humans are usually infected with the Lassa virus through exposure to food or household items contaminated with urine or feces of infected mastomis rats.
Human-to-human and laboratory transmissions can also occur in medical settings where there is no particularly appropriate infection prevention and control method.
The number of infections with Lassa fever is start This year’s phenomenon is related to the dry season.
It has been pointed out that about 80% of people infected with Lassa virus have no symptoms.
The remaining 20% of symptoms include bleeding of the gums, nose, eyes, etc., dyspnea, cough, swelling of the airways, vomiting, diarrhea, both blood, difficulty swallowing, hepatitis, swelling of the face, chest pain, etc. .. Back, abdomen, hearing loss (which can be permanent), abnormal heart rhythm, hypertension or hypotension, pericarditis (swelling of the sac surrounding the heart), tremors, encephalitis, meningitis and seizures.
One-fifth of infections cause serious illness, and the virus affects several organs such as the liver, spleen, and kidneys. Multiple organ failure can lead to death within 2 weeks of the onset of symptoms.
Currently, there is no licensed vaccine for Lassa fever, but some potential vaccines are under development, WHO says.
-People are advised to promote good “community hygiene” to discourage rodents from entering the home
-Effective measures include storing food in rodent-resistant containers, disposing of garbage far away from home, maintaining a clean home, and raising cats.
-Early supportive care with hydration and symptomatic treatment improves survival.
Case fatality rate
Scientific data confirms an overall case fatality rate of 1%, says WHO.
Case fatality rate is estimated to be about 15% among patients hospitalized with severe clinical symptoms of Lassa fever.
Lassa fever in the UK
According to the latest UKHSA statement, one person died of Lassa fever in the United Kingdom.
The patient died at a hospital in Bedfordshire, north London.
The three, who were reported infected with the deadly virus, were from the same family in eastern England and recently traveled to West Africa.
UKHSA has confirmed that the other two have been diagnosed with the disease.
One of the confirmed cases recovered and the second was treated by a specialist at the Royal Free London NHS Foundation Trust in the northern part of the British capital.
According to UKHSA, some infected people suffer from severe illness, but most people with Lassa fever recover completely.
There have been eight cases of Lassa fever imported into the United Kingdom since 1980. The last two cases were in 2009.
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