What is Lassa fever causing concern and how much should we worry about?
As the world returns to the new normal postcovid wave, new viruses are causing concern in the UK. At least three cases of Lassa fever have been identified in the United Kingdom. Lassa fever is an acute viral disease transmitted by a type of rat that is common in West Africa. It can be life-threatening.
One in three from Bedfordshire, diagnosed with Lassa fever in the United Kingdom, died on February 11. All three cases of this virus have reportedly traveled from West Africa. Lassa virus is named after the town of Nigeria where the first case was diagnosed.
First case Potentially deadly infectionCaused by the Lassa virus, it has been confirmed in the UK for over 10 years. However, so far no cases have been detected in India, but experts are monitoring the situation.
Approximately, 100,000 to 300,000 Lassa fever occur each year in West Africa, with approximately 5,000 deaths from the disease. Traveling abroad increases the risk of spreading the disease from one country to another.
Do you need to worry?
The mortality rate associated with Lassa fever is low, about 1 percent.
However, the mortality rate of certain individuals, such as pregnant women in late pregnancy, is high.
According to the ECDC, about 80% of cases are asymptomatic and remain undiagnosed.
Some patients may need to be hospitalized and develop severe multiple system atrophy.
Fifteen percent of patients hospitalized for Lassa fever can die of the disease.
If the Lassa fever virus affects the patient’s liver, kidneys, or spleen, it can be fatal.
What is Lassa fever?
Lassa fever is an acute viral infection that is endemic in parts of West Africa, including Sierra Leone, Liberia, Guinea, and Nigeria.
The virus found in West Africa was first found in Lassa, Nigeria in 1969.
The discovery of Lassa fever was first made after the deaths of two nurses in the town of Lassa, Nigeria.
Fever is spread by mice and is mainly found in West African countries such as Sierra Leone, Liberia, Guinea and Nigeria.
How is the virus transmitted?
A person becomes infected when he or she touches household items contaminated with the urine or feces of an infected mouse.
Although rare, the disease can also spread if a sick person comes into contact with infected body fluids.
Lassa fever can also spread to mucous membranes such as the eyes, nose, and mouth.
Human-to-human transmission of illness is more common in the medical setting rather than in the social environment.
The infection is not transmitted by accidental contact, such as hugging, shaking hands, or sitting near an infected person.
Symptoms of Lassa fever
Symptoms vary and include lung, heart, and nerve problems.
Symptoms of Lassa fever usually appear 1 to 3 weeks after exposure to the virus.
Mild symptoms of the illness include mild fever, malaise, weakness, and headache.
Bleeding, dyspnea, vomiting, swelling of the face, chest, back and abdominal pain and shock are serious symptoms.
Eight out of ten people infected with the virus are asymptomatic. It can be fatal if it affects the liver, kidneys, or spleen.
Death can usually occur two weeks after the onset of symptoms, usually as a result of multiple organ failure.
The CDC states that the most common complication associated with fever is deafness.
Almost one-third of infected people report varying degrees of deafness. In such many cases, deafness can be permanent.
Importantly, deafness can occur in both mild and severe symptoms of fever.
The degree of this hearing loss varies and is not necessarily related to the severity of the symptoms.
Treatment of lassa fever
Hydration and treatment of symptoms can increase the chances of survival with early diagnosis.
The early-prescribed antiviral drug ribavirin has proven useful in the fight against Lassa virus, but it remains unclear how it works.
CDC advises you to stay safe
The best way to prevent infection is to avoid contact with rats.
Maintain hygiene to prevent mice from entering the house.
Put food in a mouse-resistant container and place a mouse trap.
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