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Infestation worse than COVID prevails if global public health neglect continues

Infestation worse than COVID prevails if global public health neglect continues


After Omicron came Pi In Greek letters.afterwards Minus, Sigma, yes … Before SARS-CoV-2 finishes its epic tour of the Greek alphabet, public health facilities around the world need to do what they should do long before the emergence of this coronavirus. Introducing the basic medical system needed to detect new outbreaks, Introduce technology This will enable vaccines and medicines to be manufactured and administered in low and middle income countries.

Policymakers have not yet stopped the predation of viruses that affect everything in order to guide the Greeks again, as they often refuse to treat COVID as a common threat that demands a unified response. Hmm(Bread) Man (demo). This myopia means that these mistakes can be repeated when a new pandemic occurs.

It may get worse next time. In November 2021, the National Academy of Medicine predicted that the influenza pandemic would be similar to the 1918 and 1919 influenza pandemics. May turn out to be more devastating than COVID-19.. The prerequisites for such a disaster are in place. Global warming, big cities, mass migration, intercontinental travel, and habitat loss are one of the reasons why infectious diseases such as typhoons and intensifying hurricanes are part of our lives.

The rapid development of diagnostics, vaccines, monoclonal antibodies and antivirals represents an indisputable medical victory in the COVID era.But also noteworthy is that governments and international organizations are presenting our current plight. Correct obvious public health deficiencies..

The 2021 Global Health Security Index covers 195 countries around the world.Dangerously unpreparedIs to address future epidemics and pandemic threats. The average score for each country was 38.9 out of 100, which was almost the same as the 2019 rating before the pandemic began. Many countries could not understand that the pandemic provided an unparalleled opportunity to lay the foundation for dealing with this public health crisis as well as future crises.

Preparing for COVID-30 or a new pandemic influenza strain, or even an uncontrollable biological weapon, requires a new generation of surveillance tools, diagnostics, drugs, and a “universal” coronavirus. A vaccine that can compete with any strain. Having a well-available vaccine formulation with a long shelf life also helps alleviate the inequality associated with shot distribution. Emphasizing the absence of “global” in “global public health,” Portugal had fully vaccinated 89% of its population by mid-January, while Mali had only 2.8%.

The most pressing priority is to return to the basics, both globally and locally. COVID has served as a painful demonstration that public health is as essential to national security as the standing army. And the cost of health safety is minimal. In 2016, the Commission on Future Global Health Risk Framework 65 cents a year for everyone on the planet, You can upgrade your national pandemic protection program around the world. A $ 4.5 billion investment, much cheaper than the price of a single new ballistic missile submarine, could prevent the global loss of millions of lives and the economic blow of trillions of dollars.

The basics are not only to build a new system to prepare for a pandemic, but also to significantly strengthen the system already in place.Public health law expert Lawrence O. Gostin states in this issue The World Health Organization’s budget for 2022-2023 is $ 6.12 billion, which is less than the budget for some major teaching hospitals in the United States. WHO needs not only money, but reforms that empower it to better monitor and intervene when new infectious diseases occur. At the national level, the most basic of the basics is the relatively young adults who provide medical care to all and, if necessary, ventilate during childcare, food, housing, and future pandemics.

After repeated horrific illnesses such as SARS, Ebola, and deer, this disaster will probably prove traumatic enough to allow a consistent remake of the current system. By mid-January, COVID deaths worldwide were about the same as the Norwegian population. The pandemic is still going on. Greek letters return to a more familiar role in American life as a naming convention for student groups on college campuses only if global public health, as with the new contract for nuclear submarines, draws the attention of policy makers. increase.




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