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Scientists report that middle-aged women are the third patient with a potential cure for HIV

Scientists report that middle-aged women are the third patient with a potential cure for HIV


In 2009, scientists first said that a white man with leukemia was originally “Berlin patientProbably the HIV has healed With the transplantation of HIV-resistant stem cells. Ten years later, this approach is “Patient in London“Hispanic male with Hodgkin lymphoma.

One-off reports of long-term HIV remission have stimulated hope and rekindled the quest for HIV treatment, but with inherent limitations. All patients, including middle-aged women treated by a doctor at Weill Cornell Medicine in New York, received a transplant as part of their cancer treatment.

The “patient in Berlin,” later revealed to be Timothy Ray Brown, eventually died when leukemia, not HIV, rebounded. Stem cell transplantation is unlikely to be widely used as a treatment for healthy people living with HIV.

“This is an important science that ultimately leads us to treatment,” said Carlos del Rio, a professor of medicine at Emory University School of Medicine. “This is not a scalable intervention. My idea: it’s like sending someone to the moon with a rocket. It’s a great science, but it’s not the way we travel.”

Patients who have not been publicly identified were diagnosed with HIV in 2013. Four years later, she developed high-risk acute myeloid leukemia and received a stem cell transplant as a treatment for both disorders.

The transplanted stem cells were different from those used in previous cases. These cases are dependent on adult stem cells and are difficult to match with recipients.

The female underwent a “haplo / umbilical cord transplant” containing a mixture of relative stem cells and infant umbilical cord stem cells. Infant stem cells contained naturally occurring but rare features that made them resistant to HIV. They had a deletion of the CCR5 gene that made it impossible for the virus to infect cells. The deletion usually occurs in people of Scandinavian or Caucasian offspring.

The patient stopped taking an antiretroviral drug that suppressed HIV 14 months ago and had no viral rebound.

Yvonne J. Bryson, an infectious disease doctor at the University of California, Los Angeles School of Medicine, said her blood virus levels “could not be detected throughout this period” when she presented the case.

“This provides hope for the use of umbilical cord blood cells … to achieve HIV remission for individuals who need a transplant because of other illnesses,” Bryson said. “This provides additional evidence that the HIV reservoir can be adequately removed, resulting in remission and healing.”

External scientists said the report was inspiring. This may help answer the basic question about how patients’ cases have some anomalous factors and how these patients can get rid of the HIV reservoir in the body. Because there is.

In other successful cases of remission, the patient received a transplant, Graft-versus-host disease, When donor cells attack the recipient’s immune system. In this case it didn’t happen.

“Each of these cases is unique and different, and are there any clues that can help us focus on the next patient?” Karl W. Diffenbach, director of the AIDS department at the National Institute of Infectious Diseases. He said he was not involved in the study.

Sharon Lewin, president-elect of the International AIDS Society, said in an email that the discovery was exciting.

“Bone marrow transplantation is not a viable large-scale strategy for treating HIV, but it does demonstrate a proof of concept that it can treat HIV. It also uses gene therapy as a viable strategy for treating HIV. Will be further enhanced, “added Lewin.




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