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Depression is still ignored Global Health Crisis: Report

Depression is still ignored Global Health Crisis: Report


The Lancet on Depression and the World Psychiatric Association Commission released the document on Tuesday.

The Lancet on Depression and the World Psychiatric Association Commission released the document on Tuesday.

The world has failed to tackle the persistent and increasingly serious global crisis it faces, said The Lancet and the World Psychiatric Association’s Depression Commission. The document was released on Tuesday night.

It is estimated that 5% of adults worldwide suffer from depression each year, but it is still a global health crisis that is ignored. Poor understanding of this condition and lack of psychosocial and financial resources have already affected prevention, diagnosis, treatment, and the economic prosperity of the nation.

There is abundant evidence that even in a resource-constrained environment, there is much evidence that depression can be prevented and helped to recover, but the burden on people suffering from depression is neither diagnosed nor treated. Hmm. In high-income countries, about half of people suffering from depression fall into this category, which rises to 80-90% in low- and middle-income countries. As expected, the COVID-19 pandemic involves difficulties, bereavement, quarantine, and uncertainty, in addition to restricted access to health care that worsens mental health and puts more people at risk. Created an additional challenge.

This document was produced by 25 experts from 11 countries across disciplines from neuroscience to global health and was advised by people with experience of depression. Professor Helen Hermann, chairman, said: “Depression is a global health crisis that requires multiple levels of response. This committee is important for united action to globally transform our approach to mental health care and prevention. By investing to reduce the burden of depression, millions of people will become part of a healthier, happier and more productive society, strengthen the national economy and 2030. You will have the opportunity to move the UN’s sustainable development goals forward.

The Lancet-WPA Committee’s “Time of Unity for Depression” calls for a society-wide approach to prevent depression, similar to what was done for conditions such as heart disease and cancer. increase.

Co-author Charles Reynolds adds: Sound science, political will, and shared responsibility can prevent and treat depression and avoid potentially disturbing consequences. We need to empower people with depression experiences to cope with the tsunami of unmet needs, along with families, practitioners, policy makers and civil society. “




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What Are The Main Benefits Of Comparing Car Insurance Quotes Online

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