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Exercise may boost the immunity of the COVID vaccine

Exercise may boost the immunity of the COVID vaccine


San Diego (KGTV)-A new study from Iowa State University shows that people who exercise immediately after receiving the COVID or flu vaccine can boost their immunity.

the studyIn this month’s issue of the medical journal Brain, Behavior, and Immunity, we found that people who did mild to moderate exercise for 90 minutes immediately after taking a shot had higher antibody levels than those who tended to sit down. I did.

We also found that the side effects were similar in both groups.

“At this point, there are no downsides,” said Dr. Marian Kout, a professor of kinematics at the ISU and the lead author of the study.

“We know that the movement has some impact,” adds Dr. Tyanez Jones, a postdoctoral fellow at the school. “I don’t know how that amount and how its protection will manifest, but I would like to encourage post-vaccination exercise.”

About 100 people participated in the survey. They received either the influenza vaccine or the first dose of Pfizer mRNA COVID-19 vaccine. After that, some participants were asked to exercise for up to 90 minutes, while others were told to spend a normal day or relax.

According to the study, “90 minutes of exercise consistently increased serum antibodies to each vaccine.”

According to the data, blood samples taken 2 and 4 weeks after vaccination showed almost twice as much antibody response in people who exercised for 90 minutes after vaccination with influenza as in those who tend to sit down. ..

Among those vaccinated with the COVID vaccine, the antibody response was about 25% higher. It’s not as dramatic as the consequences of the flu, but Dr. Kouto and Dr. Jones say it’s important.

“90 minutes seemed to be when an immune marker called’interferon alpha’was enhanced,” says Dr. Kohut. “We know that it plays a role in the immune response to the vaccine.”

They also found that 90 minutes was an important time.

Another group in this study was vaccinated against the flu and exercised for only 45 minutes. Blood samples from those people showed lower antibody levels at 2 and 4 weeks than those who did not exercise at all.

“Exercise has a mix of factors that can affect the immune response: metabolic changes, biochemical changes, and neuroendocrine changes. For example, at 90 and 45 minutes, all of these are different. “Masu,” says Dr. Kouto.

This study does not provide a specific reason for an increased immune response. However, researchers believe that the combination of biological factors played a role. They say that increased blood flow and increased metabolism can be key.

However, more research is needed before exercise becomes a regular part of the vaccine regimen. Dr. Kouto and Dr. Jones want to know if the results are similar after Moderna, Johnson & Johnson, or booster shots.

They also want to see if the antibody increase lasts for more than 4 weeks.

Still, they say this study is a good starting point for people to have a little more control over their health.

“When it comes to public health effects, we always want to promote exercise as an activity to improve immune function,” says Dr. Jones.

“This is some positive news,” adds Dr. Kohut. “Of all the negatives, it’s good to hear the positives, as we’ve heard that there may be things you can do to improve your immune response to the vaccine.”




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