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Air pollution that affects the ability of sperm to swim in the right direction: research

Air pollution that affects the ability of sperm to swim in the right direction: research


As countries continue to fight the threat of air pollution, new research from China suggests that it can affect semen quality and reduce the ability of sperm to swim in the right direction. .. In an analysis of sperm from more than 30,000 men in China, researchers conclude that reducing air pollution can help increase male births and reduce the risk of asthenozoospermia. did.

Asthenozoospermia is a medical term that describes a decrease in sperm motility in male semen samples when sperm reach the egg and are unable to fertilize. The researchers said the study was important because the health effects of exposure to particulate matter (PM) on male childbirth remain unclear.

A study published today in the journal JAMA Networks Decreased sperm motility and progression, as well as an increased risk of asthenozoospermia, are associated with exposure to PM2.5.

“Infertility is becoming a global public health problem, affecting about 10% of reproductive age couples worldwide. The World Health Organization (WHO) is a pure male factor, primarily sperm. It is estimated that poor quality can account for 50% of infertility. “

The team noted that recent human epidemiological studies have reported an association between PM exposure and semen quality. However, the results of these studies are inconsistent. The team investigated semen samples from 33,876 Chinese men who received assisted reproductive technology at a tertiary hospital in Shanghai between 2013 and 2019. Participants are from 340 province-level cities in China, from the date of their first visit to December 31, 2019.

Researchers are calling for further research in this area to understand the greater impact. (Representative image)

Researchers say that the quality of semen Participants were exposed to large amounts of particulate matter The diameter is smaller than 2.5 micrometers. They found no correlation between sperm count and exposure to air pollution, but sperm motility was reduced by 3.6% when exposed to PM2.5 and sperm motility when exposed. It was estimated that sex was reduced by 2.44%. PM10.

“We have found that the risk of asthenozoospermia is significantly increased in association with increased exposure levels of PM2.5 or PM10,” the researchers said. However, the team said that the biological mechanism by which PM exposure could impair sperm motility development has not yet been determined.

They both said Exposure to PM2.5 and PM10 can induce excessive reactivity Human oxygen species. Overproduction of reactive oxygen species can damage the blood-testis barrier, adversely affect spermatogenesis, and reduce sperm motility.

Researchers are seeking further research in this area to understand the greater impact and devise strategies to improve future conditions.




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