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A diet rich in beans, nuts and whole grains could add 10 years to your life, according to new modeling studies

A diet rich in beans, nuts and whole grains could add 10 years to your life, according to new modeling studies


  • The new research tool is diet You can add or subtract years from your life.
  • Based on current evidence, this study found that plant-based foods such as beans, grains, and nuts are the healthiest.

A more plant-based or Mediterranean-style diet can increase lifespan by up to 10 years, according to a modeling study published in PLOS Medicine on February 8.

Use data from 2019 studyResearchers at the University of Bergen, Norway, Food4HealthyLife Calculate life expectancy based on your diet.

Their goal is health According to Dr. Lars T. Fadness, lead author of the study and professor of world public health at the University of Bergen, to examine the effects of different food groups and show how dietary changes affect longevity. Applies to. He said it was not intended to be an individual prediction, but to estimate the health of the population based on current assumptions.

According to the model, the team could have a life expectancy of 10 years longer with more plants and less processed foods compared to a standard American diet with added sugar, refined grains, and processed meats. I found that there is.

“The optimized diet we present is similar to a traditional Mediterranean diet, but relatively close to a plant-based diet,” Fadness told insiders.

In addition to a longer lifespan, evidence also suggests that improved diet can improve mood, control weight, and reduce the risk of chronic illness, he said.

The biggest health improvements were associated with eating beans, whole grains and nuts

According to the model, beans, the magical fruit, are the most beneficial foods to extend lifespan, followed by whole grains and nuts. Fruits and vegetables were also associated with longer lifespan, as were serving fatty fish such as salmon, sardines, and cod.

Model prediction is supported by existing evidence and expert recommendations. The Mediterranean diet is one of the healthiest How to eat.

According to the model, the optimal diet is also very similar Eating habits in the blue zoneThe region of the world where people live The longest and healthiest life..

Rich in vegetable foods fiberAn important nutrient for digestive system health, heart health, and stable blood sugar levels.Nuts and fish provide healthy fats such as: Omega 3 fatty acidsHelps control inflammation and lower blood pressure.

Cutting out sugar, refined grains, and meat also extends lifespan, the model suggests.

This model also helped predict which foods people should avoid to live longer, Fadness said.

According to the model, the addition of sugar from processed meats such as sausages, refined grains such as pastries and white bread, and products such as soda and sweets all contributed to a reduction in life expectancy.

Evidence suggests pProcessed foods have an increased risk of illnesses such as cancer.

The model also has lean meat Harmful to healthBut some Evidence is mixed..

Even the slightest change may add years to your life

From the age of 20, the model predicted that switching from a standard American diet to a diet rich in beans, whole grains, fish, produce, and nuts would take 10.7 to 13 years in life.

But you can still benefit without completely overhauling your diet. Researchers have found that a “feasible” healthy diet that slightly increases healthy eating and reduces unhealthy eating can extend life expectancy by six years.

There was an “optimal” diet to maximize profits, but according to the model, according to Fadness, the evidence showed a sliding scale of improvement.

“For some people it is possible to have a more or less optimized diet, but for others it is possible to take mostly small informative steps from an unhealthy starting point,” he said. rice field.




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