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Studies highlight the risks of mental health consequences for people with COVID-19, Science News

Studies highlight the risks of mental health consequences for people with COVID-19, Science News
Studies highlight the risks of mental health consequences for people with COVID-19, Science News


Economy around the world is looking forward to resuming after facing the effects of the coronavirus (COVID-19) in the last two years. Pandemics have had a tremendous impact on the world, and new studies now show that pandemics cause mental health problems in patients.

Previous studies have shown a similar trend, revealing that the high pain and anxiety caused by the coronavirus causes a decline in psychological well-being.

In the latest study published in the journal on Wednesday (February 16th) BMJCovid’s acute-phase survivors have an established risk of accidental mental health problems.

Researchers in St. Louis analyzed 153,848 records from the US Veterans Health Administration system.

This study included only those who had not been diagnosed or treated for mental health for at least two years prior to being infected with the coronavirus.

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Recent studies emphasize that previous studies are limited by a narrow selection of mental health outcomes and up to 6 months of follow-up.

According to the latest research, a better understanding of the long-term risks of mental illness in people with Covid can help guide “strategies for post-acute care.”

This survey was conducted after extracting data from the US Department of Veterans Affairs National Medical Database.

From these data, researchers constructed a cohort of 153848 US veterans who survived the first 30 days of SARS-CoV-2 infection and two controls. History management consisting of 5859 251 users in 2017 (prior to the Covid pandemic).

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The results showed that patients with COVID-19 were 39% more likely to have depressive disorder and 35% more likely to develop anxiety disorder over the months following infection.

Studies show that Covid’s group was also 38% more likely to be diagnosed with stress and adjustment disorders. It also increased the chances of being diagnosed with a sleep disorder by 41%.

The study also emphasized that patients with COVID-19 are 80% more likely to develop neurocognitive problems.

We also found that 18% of COVID-19 patients were diagnosed or prescribed for neuropsychiatric problems the following year.

The findings suggest that those who survive Covid’s acute phase are at increased risk of a series of accidental mental health disorders. This study suggested that addressing mental health disorders among Covid survivors should be prioritized.

The authors said, “In the COVID-19 group, there was a consistently higher risk of developing mental health disorders compared to those who were not hospitalized for covid-19 and those who were not hospitalized for seasonal influenza. He was hospitalized for seasonal flu and was hospitalized for covid-19, but for other reasons. ”




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