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Scientists develop new drugs to stop allergic reactions Nothing can prevent anaphylaxis


Struggles are a reality for people who live with food or drug allergies. Small slips can cause life-threatening shocks that justify a trip to the hospital. Fortunately, scientists at Northwestern University have developed tablets that can be taken eagerly to prevent mild to severe anaphylaxis, regardless of cause.

Anaphylaxis is a serious and potentially fatal systemic allergic reaction. It can occur within seconds or minutes after exposure to the allergen. by American Asthma and Allergy Foundation, It happens to about 1 in 50 Americans, but many believe that the rate is higher.

Furthermore, Anaphylactic shock It can occur due to dangerously low blood pressure during the reaction. The body can be shocked because oxygen cannot enter the organs.

Doctors have always taken first steps to avoid allergens to prevent allergic reactions. But accidents do happen from time to time. The new one created by the researchers is an unprecedented known cure aimed at avoiding anaphylaxis.

According to Bruce Bochner, their findings may pave the way for future human clinical trials of oral drugs to be used as a prophylactic treatment for severe allergic reactions. Bockner is the first author of the study, from Samuel M. Feinberg’s Professor of Medicine at Northwestern University’s Feinberg School of Medicine.

In addition, he guarantees the pill as he said it can change lives and save. He added that he could take it aggressively to prevent the development of serious allergic reactions. The result of the survey is Journal of Clinical Investigation June 2, 2020.

Also read: Do you have an adult-onset allergy? Here is the reason

How do tablets work?

The drugs involved in the study are Bruton’s tyrosine kinase (BTK) inhibitor. BTK is found naturally within cells, including mast cells. BTK inhibitors essentially function by blocking the BTK enzyme. When blocked, mast cells are not triggered by allergens and allergic antibodies to release histamine and other allergic mediators.

In this study, scientists used three different BTK inhibitors. This prevented the allergic reaction when tested on human mast cells in vitro. In addition, the study used one oral drug approved by the US Food and Drug Administration.

In the design of a new “humanized” mouse for anaphylaxis, the drug effectively reduced or prevented allergic reactions. Over the course of several months, mouse organs containing transplanted human cells eventually matured into human mast cells. These are the first cells to react during an allergic reaction.

Very large potential for small tablets

Bochner said he heard that too many parents wanted their children to do something, especially medicine, in case they accidentally ingested foods containing allergens during their vacation. He says he someday believes their BTK drugs can serve that purpose.

In addition to that, Bochner said that people are going to pass Oral food desensitization Or people with an increased risk of allergic exposure to life-saving antibiotics can take the pill as a precaution. In a sense, anyone who has a serious allergy can take it if the drug proves to be safe and reasonably priced for daily use. Moreover, it may even allow them to eat foods they have strictly avoided, he added.

On the other hand, Bochner said the drug is likely to be used only as a preventative measure, not for emergency Epipen.. However, he and his team are considering whether the drug could be re-prescribed to add to Epipen. He says the team is investigating how the drug is infused with epinephrine to determine if it will stop anaphylaxis after it has begun.

Also read: Experts distinguish allergies vs food intolerance vs side effects

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